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Showing posts from December, 2012

Cyprian Fernandes: The sweetest love letter

A friend of mine once sent me the note below. I often return to it when I am in the dumps. It is such a beautiful story I thought I might share it with you all. Dear Cyprian, My family and I thought that your email was so sincere and beautifully written. You summed up all that he represented so well. Many thanks for your kind words and sentiments from us all. As you can imagine, having gone through losing your beloved Rufi, I am still in a daze after all that has happened and I just can’t get motivated into doing anything. I feel so empty and miss him so much, especially with Christmas round the corner. Things you take for granted all come to mind now, like there is no one to greet you at the door or share a cup of tea when you get home. There is no one to tell you how nice you look or take care of or cook for. I miss his warm and tender love, hugs and kisses, his smell, his lovely smile and our little chats at night. I smile sometimes and cry sometimes, mainly tears of joy w...