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Showing posts from August, 2015

Nairobi: breathing new life into memories of Eastleigh/town schools

St Teresa’s, Catholic Parochial School Reunion 2015 'The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.', 'It is very risky.’– Outstanding children’s author Lois Lowry. I would add the sharing breathes life into a memory and keeps the flame alive. The St Teresa’s and CPS ex-students in the UK and elsewhere do a bloody good job of the keeping that sacred flame of our Kenyan childhoods alive and burning brightly. The reunions to date have done exactly that and it was no different on July 19, 2015 in Croydon UK. At the very outset allow me, with infinite humility and pride, to thank everyone who shared in some way or a very large way in making possible the celebration. I am even more humbled by the way old friends welcomed me and together we trundled again down the streets of Eastleigh and those classrooms that filled us with a whole gamut of emotions, sometimes pain, sometimes joy, always plenty of laug...