Hi Skip, Here's Elsie's balchao recipe: 1 lb prawns(King prawns preferred) 1 large onion 1 green chilli -sliced 1 x 2" piece green ginger -crushed 6 cloves garlic -crushed 1 dessert spoon Elsie's Standard Curry powder ** 1 dessertspoon paprika 1 teaspoon each of sugar & salt (Place all above ingredients in a non-metallic dish and mix to a paste with a dessertspoon oil and some vinegar(see below) 1/4 bottle vinegar 1/4 bottle vegetable or mustard oil Heat remaining oil in a large pan and fry pawns, onions and chilli until free of all moisture. Add the paste and cook gently to blend. Next pour in the remaining vinegar and simmer for about ten minutes before 'potting' in sterilized jars. **Since you don't have Elsie's Standard curry powder recipe, here it is: 4 dessertspoons cumin seed 2 dessertspoons coriander seed 1 dessertspoon whole...
Goans, East Africans et al