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Showing posts from February, 2019

Elsie's world famous balchao recipe

Hi Skip, Here's Elsie's  balchao  recipe: 1 lb prawns(King prawns preferred) 1 large onion 1 green  chilli   -sliced 1 x 2" piece green ginger   -crushed 6 cloves garlic  -crushed 1 dessert spoon Elsie's Standard Curry powder   ** 1 dessertspoon paprika 1 teaspoon each of sugar & salt (Place all above ingredients in a non-metallic dish and   mix to a paste with a dessertspoon oil and some vinegar(see below) 1/4 bottle vinegar 1/4 bottle vegetable or mustard oil Heat remaining oil in a large pan and fry pawns, onions and  chilli  until free of all moisture. Add the paste and cook gently to blend. Next pour in the remaining vinegar and simmer for about ten minutes before 'potting' in sterilized jars.   **Since you don't have Elsie's Standard curry powder recipe, here it is: 4 dessertspoons cumin seed 2 dessertspoons coriander seed  1 dessertspoon whole...

Risky forays in a VW Beetle

A 1956 VW Beetle ... not the actual car mentioned in the story below RISKY FORAYS IN A VW BEETLE By Armand Rodrigues My first car was a VW Beetle, in 1956, when I was working in Uganda.  I loved cleaning the spark plugs at regular intervals and correcting the gaps. I also cleaned the carburettor at the same time. The car responded with smooth performance and was always a joy to drive. A salient component of my job entailed safaris across the 90,000 square mile expanse of the country. Diversions across the famous national parks always appealed to me because of their variety of flora and fauna, and I seldom wasted an opportunity to get off the main road and cut across a park. Narrow, one-way tracks – essentially fashioned by elephants – came with the territory.  Flanking the tracks would be 10-foot tall elephant grass. Time and time again, I was held up by elephants with their hindquarters on the track, grazing on the tall grass on both sides, back- to...

St Francis Xavier Chapel Malindi

. Francis Xavier Chapel, Malindi St AN INTERIOR VIEW OF THE ST FRANCIS XAVIER CHAPEL IN MALINDI Now under  The National Museums of Kenya , St. Francis Xavier Chapel is one of Kenya’s most momentous worship sites: a reminder of centuries that have come and gone, a vanguard of the Christian faith in Kenya. The Arrival Of Vasco Da Gama On July 8 th  1497, three ships left a dock in Lisbon, Portugal, led by prime navigator, Vasco da Gama. His expedition was intent on sailing the fastest route to Calicut, India where they purposed to trade items and eventually spread Christianity in the race for religious dominion. It took them more than nine months to reach  Mombasa  harbour, where they were not welcome and the fleet was denied port.   On July 8th 1497, three ships left a dock in Lisbon, Portugal; led by prime navigator, Vasco da Gama. His expedition was intent on sailing the fastest route to Calicut, India, where t...


TRYING TO UNDERSTAND DEMENTIA By Armand Rodrigues Fast-forward to now.  Medical terms such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia have become the norm. “Senior moment” is also used loosely. Worldwide over 47 million people are going through the phase.  Today the symptoms are said to be memory disorders, personality changes, impaired reasoning, disorientation and slurred speech.   I often wondered what the cause or causes could be.   What follows is what I have garnered from published sources, about the condition. It may or may not resonate with everybody.  Conventional wisdom now sees things in a different light. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of Dementia. Dementia is not just a disease of the elderly or those over 65.  The onset of Dementia can start as early as 30 but is harder to diagnose as the cognitive decline is milder or may be attributed to stress, depression, anxiety or psychiatric illness. If detected early, treatments ar...

Cardinal Gracias calls for the entire church to act decisively to prevent abuse

Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay called Friday for the “entire Church” to “act decisively to prevent abuse from occurring in the future and to do whatever possible to foster healing for victims.” Calling the abuse suffered at the hands of those in the Church “a profound betrayal of trust,” he offered practical solutions mainly focused on fostering better communication on all levels of the Church’s hierarchy during a Feb. 22 speech at the Vatican. “As serious as the direct abuse of children and vulnerable adults is, the indirect damage inflicted by those with directive responsibility within the Church can be worse by re-victimizing those who have already suffered abuse,” the cardinal noted. Cardinal  Gracias is one of the principal organizers of a Vatican summit taking place this week to address the sexual abuse of minors, which features the presidents of national bishops’ conferences worldwide. Cardinal  Gracias himself admitted to the BBC Feb. 21 that he...

Mombasa martyrs,+ another version

Augustinian Martyrs of Mombasa and Companions Servants of God: Anthony of the Nativity, Anthony of the Passion, Dominick of the Birth of    Christ and the Community of Catholics 1 Source:   htt p:// - of - mombasa/ ILLUSTRATION OF AUGUSTINIAN MARTYRS OF MOMBASA COMPANIONS BY JÁNOS HAJNAL IN IL FASCINO DI DIO: PROFILI DE AGIOGRAFIA AGOSTINIANA   BY FERNANDO ROJO MARTÍNEZ, O.S.A.  COPYRIGHT © 2000 PUBBLICAZIONI AGOSTINIANE ROME. USED WITH PERMISSION.  ORIGINAL ART PRESERVED IN THE OFFICE OF AUGUSTINIAN POSTULATOR OF CAUSES, RO ME Anthony of the Nativity and his companions (died 1631) were put to death when they refused to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. Mombasa, a city in what is now Kenya, was a Portuguese colony during the early part of the 17th Century. Most of its citizens were Animists or Muslims, but there was a Christian community there too, comprised of both ...

The people of St Teresa's Eastleigh: Add your names

The people of St Teresa’s Eastleigh Send your names to This is not a list of contributors, just the people of the parish Or the children who attended one of the schools. Parents and siblings of Victorino Fernandes Mr and Mrs Soares and family The Britto family David, Hubert, Phillip, Ruby D’Souza and their respective families Peter Barbosa Sr Trifa De Souza, siblings and parents Robert Fernandes and family Leandro, Alex, Alba, Bertha, Marjorie Fernandes and family Magnie Almeida and family Servelio, Irene Britto and family Simon and Annie Fernandes and family Freddie , Albert Mascarenhas, parents and his siblings The late Basil and Damiena D'Costa Freddie and Loretta D'Costa (Milton Keynes  UK) Alfred and Gertie D'Costa (Crawley, UK) Irene D'Costa (UK), Sheila and Nelson Barreto (Buckhurst Hill, UK) Olive and Bosco Mendonca (Richmond Hill, ON Canada) All the folks from the Goan Estate, Andrew,...