Saturday, September 14, 2019

You visited my blog 300,000 time, asante sana!

300,000 hits on my blog, all because of you!


PEOPLE used ask me forever why I had not written a book and I used to shy away from answering the questions because I really did not have an answer. I had often thought about it but never really paid much attention … not many, months after My Blog was born in around 2009.

I had seen one or two or three blogs but had not paid much attention to them. The two years following my wife Rufina’s passing in 2007 were a big challenge. While my public persona was one of quiet confidence and a kind of normality which gave the impression that I had come to terms with this great loss. Inwardly, there were one or two personal issues that I need to get to grips with pretty quickly. My local GP, also a pretty good friend, too one look at me one day and said: Skip you are depressed. My reaction was that he must be joking. Anyway, he shunted me off to see a psychiatrist and a psychologist.

Before I went to see the two professionals, I paid a visit to Dr Google and read as much as I could on my ailment. As far as the psychology was concerned, I learned that I needed sack from my head whatever was causing me concern. I had to have a clear head. I had to deal with issues that were only within my control and not worry about anything else. I had to develop, I learned, drivers to drive weevil thoughts out of head. After my second visit to the psychologist, I was already feeling better. I felt even more at ease when she told me that I would be as good as gold after two more visits.

It was a similar situation with the psychiatrist. He put me on some non-addictive medication and by the third week he was weaning me of it. The result was that I was more comfortable with myself, a lot more reassured, confident and determined to celebrate every moment of my life from that moment on.

However, the thing that really helped me get back on track was the blog. After the four weeks with the psyches I had gone to see my friend the GP. His question was: What are you going to do keep busy? (Idle minds, idle hands are a danger to one’s health.) What do you like doing most, what is the one thing you enjoyed doing? Writing. I told him. So, write, he said.

So, with the help of a lot of wonderful people all around the world, the blog now has more than 400 stories. The shelf has two books. Then there is the Facebook Page. Irritates me no end because of the incessant advertising and I was thinking of downsizing my commitment to it. However, a few very special friends passed away in the space of a few months and as the Vanishing Tribes from East African continues to diminish, I thought there was a need to recognize them somewhere. The Blog and FB page was the ideal place. So, for the time being, if I am able, I will continue with the blog and the FB page.

I have always felt very strongly that it was painfully sad that very little of the East African Goan history has been recorded. So much has already been lost. Through the eulogies we do not only pay tribute the person who has left us, we also share our common historic memories of growing up in East Africa or continuing our history in the diaspora. I hope more people can learn to share.

I never dreamt for one moment that I would have written 400 stories, two books and little bits and pieces of others, let alone attracting 300,000 hits to the blog. I am humbled and grateful that you allow me to share these stories with you, your families and friends.

God Bless



  1. Hi Cyprian, I was born bred and brought up in Kitale in the Rift Valley Province. My father moved there from Kisumu in 1950 as a young man. He was warmly received by a Goan family of tailors called Mr Diaz. He had two sons Gilbert Diaz and Edmund Diaz and one sister Philomena Diaz.They taught him how to stitch suits a profession he picked up and used all his life. We somehow owe our existence and establishment to the Diaz family.
    I would wish to get in touch with any member of the Diaz family Ex-Kitale in Kenya.


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