Wednesday, June 15, 2022


 When my wonderful readers post comments on my blog, many others don't get to see them. Here are some of them.

Lovely tribute skip. Rest in Eternal Peace Andrew 💕

Unknown commented on "Rest in Peace Andrew Scott"

1 Jun 2022

Rest in Eternal Peace Dear Andrew🙏🏽Sincere Sympathies to all the Family. Love and fond remembrances Sandy & Oscar Antao

Unknown commented on "Dickie Burke: everyone's star"

31 May 2022

RIP Dickie. From Amy, Ruby, Pearl and Wendy. Last met Dickie at the G.S.Reunion in Canada. Mum knew the whole family back in Kenya and kept in touch with all in England. Last spoke to mum in January telling her that he wasn't keeping well and that he couldn't attend my brother Claude's funeral, whom Dickie loved so very much.

Unknown commented on "My last post, with love and gratitude"

30 May 2022

I like reading your stories you will be missed

Mervyn Maciel commented on "My last post, with love and gratitude"

26 May 2022

You and your lively writings are going to be sorely missed by us all. Thanks for all you've done for us, the Goans of East Africa. Love and thanks for being a true nfriend.

Unknown commented on "Zaneta Mascarenhas: the new member for Swan WA"

22 May 2022

Congratulations Zaneta may you serve your people's and your country to preserve our environments and global warming have a blessed day

Unknown commented on "Kenya: historical memorabilia"

13 May 2022

Wonderful photos. Thanks so much. Fills out the Kenya’s history and reminds me of so much recognizing different people and reading their stories. I spent ten lovely years there form ‘61 and ‘71, and was fortunate to meet many of the wife’s of ministers in those days. I particularly remember Pamela Mboya and Margaret Kenyatta, daughter of the President.

Unknown commented on "All the babies will be brown"

8 May 2022

Large numbers of Asians (people of Indian and Pakistani, heritage) did leave East Africa in the 1960s and early 70s for various reasons in the wake of 'independence'. However, to set the record straighter the numbers were no more that a couple of hundred thousand, rather than 1 million. In 1962 there were 179,000 in Kenya and by 1979 that was down to 78,000. In 1972, at the time Idi Amin expelled Asians from Uganda they numbered roughly 80,000. By 2003 there were 15,000, some of whom had returned once Amin was deposed. Tanzania's Asian population has remained pretty stable and is roughly what it was in 1967 i.e. 88,567. To be fair to the author, he did say that he wasn't quite sure what the number of Asian who left were but conjectured that it might have been in the region of one million.

Unknown commented on "I AM A GOAN"

3 May 2022

One of many notable omissions is Serafino Antao double Gold Medalist at the commonwealth games.

Unknown commented on "Maciel's neighbours: way beyond just being neighbourly UPDATE"

20 Apr 2022

This is my Son Jack. Nice to see some more pictures of him

Unknown commented on "The Spy who went to Loreto Msongari"

14 Apr 2022

Was there a movie made that depicted her life? I love to watch anything spy related. Thanks for the post.🤗🙏🏻


Unknown commented on "More about Goa and Goans!"

30 Mar 2022

I sincerely believe that we are Goan- Indian. We cannot escape by false pretences that we are any other but Indian using differences in our upbringing because of over 400 yrs. of Portuguese rule. India today has for example Sikhs, Parsis, Muslims, Nepalese, Kashmeris, Hindus and others who differ similarly but are ALL Indians.

Evans commented on "Bill Pagano: son of an Italian PoW in Kenya"

19 Mar 2022

My mother was born in eldoret,1945 she doesn't remember her italian father but has a few details about was pompilio barretto or boblio barretto.he later worked in kitale with Hill Barrett & Co Ltd, as a mechanical engineer.

Cyprian Fernandes commented on "Malcolm X, Pio Gama Pinto, Dick Gregory, what connects them?"

25 Feb 2022

OGM: correct, Odinga was not a communist, more a capitalist.

Irucka Embry commented on "Malcolm X, Pio Gama Pinto, Dick Gregory, what connects them?"

25 Feb 2022

El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) was assassinated first because he had already made the radical leap to work with anyone (regardless of their skin color and religion) to improve the lives of oppressed people throughout the world. He had moved to human rights (social and economic justice for full, human beings) & freedom. In order to accomplish that goal, he was working with African leaders to take the struggle of Afro-Americans to the United Nations (UN). Were the African leaders that El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz was working with also assassinated? According to Dick Gregory {in an interview on "What's the 411? with Sharon Kay Show" on JAZZY 88 WFSK}, the true assassin(s) of Malcolm X were positioned above the crowd at the Audubon Theatre and Ballroom []. Malcolm X was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by a government operative to finish what the bullets hadn't already. Regarding Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., he was assassinated, a year after his "Beyond Vietnam -- A Time to Break Silence" speech where King discussed the "... giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism ...", by the same global el-ite's "corporament" that had killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), Robert Francis Kennedy (RFK), and El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) {}. Both King and Malcolm gave their support to people struggling for better working & living conditions. Their biggest threat to the international power structure that El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz called out in Detroit on February 14, 1965, was that they were confronting the foundations of the power structure (divide-and-conquer) by developing allies throughout this country & the world. The following resources provide more information to back-up some of what I have said: | Guilty as Charged: Malcolm X and His Vision of Racial Justice for African Americans Through Utilization of the United Nations International Human Rights Provisions and Institutions By Charles Lewis Nier III, Dickinson Journal of International Law, Volume 16, Number 1, Article 3, 9-1-1997 After the Bombing / Speech at Ford Auditorium Speech by Malcolm X, February 14, 1965 Beyond Vietnam -- A Time to Break Silence Speech by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Delivered 4 April 1967, Riverside Church, New York City Why the U.S. Government Assassinated Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. By Roland Sheppard Regarding Dick Gregory, he was much more than simply a "Civil Rights Activist". I have included various links below that provide more information about who he was: Dick Gregory Global Watch [Recovered with the Internet Archive] Dick Gregory Legacy Dick Gregory Foundation Americans Who Tell The Truth: Dick Gregory "Democracy Now!": Dick Gregory Regarding what Dick Gregory said about Malcolm X's assassination, he successfully sued the United States Government to obtain Malcolm X's autopsy report. Have you ever reviewed Malcolm X's autopsy report?

Gillian Pacheco commented on "Tomorrow's Catholic Church -- Fr Anthony Scerri"

3 Dec 2021

Thank you Cyprian for publishing Fr. Anthony Scerri's Reminiscences on 'Tomorrows Catholic Church. I wonder if the parishioners of OLMC Wenty are aware of the treasure in their midst. Fr. Anthony has spent his life Witnessing to Christ and establishing His Church all over the world, preaching in multiple languages to spread the Gospel. Now as he still continues his mission at 91, it is not enough for us to stand back and clap our hands. How many parishioners have seen him struggle as he walks to the shops and back for a cup of coffee? What have we done or what are we doing for him? Are we willing to share in his vision by ensuring that his mission and the mission of the Carmelites continue through our support for the young East Timor Seminarians, many of whom will not be able to make it because the Carmelites cannot afford their Theology training. Let us take Fr. Anthony's example and do something for our Church.

Unknown commented on "Tomorrow's Catholic Church -- Fr Anthony Scerri"

3 Dec 2021

God bless you Father Anthony and keep you in the palm of His Hands.

Mervyn Maciel commented on "Tomorrow's Catholic Church -- Fr Anthony Scerri"

2 Dec 2021

What an excellent and inspiring piece by Fr. Anthony. Let us hope that, in the words of Pope Francis, the Church will become truly the Church of the poor.

Unknown commented on "The Birth of St Teresa's NEW VERSION"

22 Oct 2021

My parents attended CPS and then St. Teresa's in the 1950s. To find this was like reliving all the stories I heard growing up about Mother Gertrude and Mother Stanislaus! I loved reading this! I shared with my Mom who was overwhelmed!! I believe the Casmiro Sequeira mentioned is my uncle who lives in England now. My mom grew up in Railway Quarters as her Dad worked in the bar on the trains that went to Mombasa and Kisumu. This was absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for posting!


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Clifford Costa Correa commented on "Goan Estate: remembered with pride (special photographs)."

19 Oct 2021

Thank you for your blog and sharing these pictures. The Goan Estate was a fun place to live and it was indeed a very close community. Many of us that lived in the Goan Estate moved to the UK, Canada, USA & Australia but many of us remain in touch, thanks in a large part to Filandru Fernandes who from time to time organizes "Zoom calls" and we get a chance to talk about the "fun time" we had growing up in the Goan Estate. The Goan Estate looks different now but these pictures brought back fond memories and I am impressed that Tony, Eva, Anto and Fil were able to identify virtually all the residents in the Estate. The only one I would question was the house next to Anthony D'Souza, I thought it was Walter D'Cruz but I could be wrong! Thanks again, great memories!

Raymond commented on "Goans who excelled in Kenya"

7 Oct 2021

Hi Cyprian, Have always enjoyed your journalism. Thank you for remembering my Dad, Pascoal de Mello. Regards, Raymond)

Unknown commented on "Memories and dreams of an East African Literary Paradis"

11 Sept 2021

Reading about your comments to old friends, I am touched by the command of the English language. As a fool who fancy himself as knowing English, please allow me to indulge myself for a minute. My name is Farah Mohamed currently in Phoenix, Arizona, originally from Kenya. I am writing a little E book, on some of the forgotten African Freedom fighters, could anyone of you distinguished Professors be interested in looking into its authenticity, since at nearly 80 might represent some facts ?


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Eric Pinto commented on "Pamela Gonsalves: The final farewell"

4 Sept 2021

Enjoined Pam's company in Aldona during our extended vacations in Goa.

Unknown commented on "Westerns of my life"

27 Aug 2021

I went to school with them GOANS in those days and beleive me they were very good hearted people. this is a comment from a non-Goan and it weights in Gold.

Unknown commented on "Westerns of my life"

27 Aug 2021

you would be surprised that this frequent anonymous commentor is not a Goan but a mombasa Arab who was close to Goans in those days but now back in Arabia.

Unknown commented on "Westerns of my life"

27 Aug 2021

Amazing, it takes me back to my boyhood. great actors and great movies.


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Cyprian Fernandes commented on "Stars Next Door... Seraphino Antao"

17 Aug 2021

Loved the Tokyo 2020 Olympics!


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Philip Barker commented on "Stars Next Door... Seraphino Antao"

22 Jul 2021

brilliant work to tell this story


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Unknown commented on "Dr Manu D'Cruz, Eulogy: a very special man and physician"

30 Jun 2021

He was my Doctor more than 50 years.thanks to Godvfor a life well lived. May God rest his life Eternal


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Jo commented on "In Memoriam of past Kenya hockey Olympians"

3 Jun 2021

RIP to all the Kenya Olympians - their memory and energy lives on 💗


Unknown commented on "Makadara - cradle of Mombasa Goan Sport"

30 May 2021

Dear Marci, I read your article"Makadara cradle of Mombasa Goan sport" with interest. It is really going down memory lane for all connected to Mombasa. The wedding photo of Anselm and Angelina Monseratte at the steps of Holy Ghost Church mombasa,1958 drew my attention. Is this the same Monseratte who retired from Barclays Bank Nkurumah Road in the Eighties? father to Braz and Clyde? I remember him as old school gentle man. Used to share an occasional pint with him and chit chat about the old days. I attended his funeral at the same church when he passed away. Thank you. Regards.

Unknown commented on "Cyprian Fernandes: Sydney's Songbirds"

29 May 2021

My name is Veeresh Malik. I was his cadet on the SATYA KAMAL and then on the SATYA PADAM and have very fond memories of his wife, Leela, as well as him (though he made me cut my hair once which was . . . though he also forgave me Mangalore . . .)

Unknown commented on "Cyprian Fernandes: Sydney's Songbirds"

29 May 2021

Good afternoon from New Delhi, India, and I am looking for one of my mentors, Captain Bart Pacheco ex-Seven Seas and seeking his welfare and updates. Thanks if you could help/

John Gitahi commented on "Thinking twice!"

23 Apr 2021

Glad you shared

psg commented on "Ken Pereira"

16 Apr 2021


Flavius Fernandes commented on "Crescent Fernandes Photo gallery, Nairobi Goan history"

24 Mar 2021

Such great memories and people. I remember some faces and voices so well.

Unknown commented on "Courage of Bhushan Vidyarthi"

20 Feb 2021

A fitting tribute to a truly good man. We shared much over many years and I'll be grateful for the advice and counsel. Rest well my friend. Om Shanti Shanti

Unknown commented on "Blaise D'Cunha/tributes/foto gallery"

13 Feb 2021

Superb ... very well done.

Unknown commented on "Courage of Bhushan Vidyarthi"

12 Feb 2021

am glad to read about people i have known in another planet in another time frame. Kul Bhuhshan and Salim Lone were and are shining stars of that planet in those days.


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ONCHI GEORGE MAIKO commented on "Malcolm X, Pio Gama Pinto, Dick Gregory, what connects them?"

8 Feb 2021

Jaramogi and Ochieng Oneko were not socialists. In face the former was in the 60s one of the wealthiest black Kenyans. That is confirmed by first US Ambassador to Kenyas memoirs where he laughs at US newspapers that claim so. They did use the Russians and Chinese simply yo get funding in a way he felt naive. Pinto on other hand was a committed ideologue well known in the international socialist scene...

A person and person dancing

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danceXpression commented on "A sister's eye witness account of her brother's, his girlfriend's and a friend's death in a car crash"

5 Feb 2021

It also shook me. Deryck and I were in the same class. Always admired him; he was a natural leader (probably without knowing it)--outspoken and bold. If I recall. he used top organize dances and hops.


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Unknown commented on "Joe Murumbi, Great country, Bad politics"

31 Jan 2021

My heart ached as I read these articles. They bring back such avid memories. Thank you Cyprian for keeping me in the know.

robinhutton commented on "Down Memory Lane"

23 Jan 2021

What a fantastic collection. Many way before my time I was born in 1953 in Eldoret

KevL commented on "Sylvester Fernandes, hockey Olympian"

5 Jan 2021

greeetings to Silu........from Kevin Lillis (formerly Impala etc) happy new year and keep on keepin on, great spirit!!!!

Kim Bhari commented on "Sylvester Fernandes, hockey Olympian"

4 Jan 2021

Nice article. First time for me to hear about Mr Anthony D’Souza.

Unknown commented on "Kenya honours John Gomes, educator, humanist!"

11 Dec 2020

I feel honoured to be John Gomes product. My children are envious of my high school life, who would not, with chicken pilau for a whole term.

Desiree Gomes commented on "Kenya honours John Gomes, educator, humanist!"

11 Dec 2020

Way to go dad ...very very proud of your legacy


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JJFRose commented on "The Birth of St Teresa's NEW VERSION"

15 Nov 2020

Thank you for that comprehensive history. It really educated me.. I went to St Teresa’s school. Do you still have family in Kenya. Keep safe. Great to find you in a search.


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julie commented on "The late Elsie Antonette Maciel"

11 Nov 2020

I am so very sad to read of Elsie's passing she was a lovely lady and will be sadly missed by her Family & Friends sending much love to Mervyn and The Family Deepest sympathy with Love from Julie Terry Chris Dave Barry Gill & Families ( Joyce Hopkins Family C.A.L )

Unknown commented on "Bill Pagano: son of an Italian PoW in Kenya"

8 Nov 2020

The Italian connection. Bill has some interesting stories to tell about Italian prisoners of war and their descendants. I have known some Italian prisoners war that settled in Mombasa. Some were settled in Portreitz are where they lived comfortably. There was an old man (at least when I knew him) he owned a Transport company called over land Transport company with Red Fiat trucks, then there were the Italian engineering fellows who were Fiat cars and trucks agents they lived in Nyali. One was called Bonano and the others Espozito if my old memory serves me right, and then there were the old chaps of mother star Engineering and Muri Salvage Company and Outrigger hotel at Liwatoni. I wonder if any of them still alive today. When I last saw some of them they were truly old. In my next letter I will tell you how my connections with Italians started. This my Email


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Hitesh commented on "The Vanishing People of the Red Ochre"

16 Oct 2020

Good morning. I don't remember very much about Kenya as I left there when I was 4 years old, but my family were there for many years. GB Jhalla (seen in your photos of the cricket teams) is my uncle and I guess you probably also knew my late father. I would be very interested in reading your book when published.


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Unknown commented on "Harold George D'Souza Another Star Next Door"

17 Sept 2020

Harold was and is still one of the finest men you would like to meet and associate with. Excellent piece on this gentleman. cheers norman


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Unknown commented on "(Untitled)"

21 Aug 2020

Now that we menntioned Arabs who were close to Goans in those days when it comes to sports and music let me mention to few memorable moments that i recall. one time i was invited by franklin perera to the old goan club in mombasa. he came with his young boy called jeff. he told me he has partenerd with a man called somji to start a company called ffk. my friendship with franklin was based on common love of history. he was great admirer of saraphino ANTAO.


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Lorraine Miranda commented on "CRESCENT FERNANDES: perhaps the last of his kind, a Goan icon."

15 Aug 2020

Our deepest condolences to the entire family. May his soul rest in peace.


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Unknown commented on "CRESCENT FERNANDES: perhaps the last of his kind, a Goan icon."

14 Aug 2020

My deepest condolences to my good friend Christopher and his family, for their loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you all. xx Marc Allen


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Pearl Ferrao. commented on "CRESCENT FERNANDES: perhaps the last of his kind, a Goan icon."

4 Aug 2020

Rest in peace Crescent. Condolences to the family. Danny and Pearl Ferrao.


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Unknown commented on "CRESCENT FERNANDES: perhaps the last of his kind, a Goan icon."

4 Aug 2020

SKIP: You've done an excellent obituary on a giant of a man in Kenya from his sporting ties at the administration level and on the field. There was Crescent selling us his insurance policies when we were still in our teens and it eventually paid off when we were leaving Kenya. Had close ties with him on the field when we represented Caltex, a team that was assembled by the late David Carrasco, without a doubt the best administrator in Kenya. Crescent ran a close second to David and I should know as we worked together for the Kenya Goan Sports Association in organizing field hockey's Gold Cup and Allsopps Cup. The Allsops Cup was the equivalent of the Gold Cup that pitted the best soccer clubs in East Africa. Crescent was part of a dedicated group that included Tom Fernandes and the late John D'Souza. Crescent also played an active role at the Railway Goan Institute in different capacities. We will miss a thorough gentleman. Our condolences go out to Thelma and the family. Norman and Delphine


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Alfred Fernandes commented on "CRESCENT FERNANDES: perhaps the last of his kind, a Goan icon."

2 Aug 2020

R.I.P. Crescent. Heartfelt sympathy to Thelma and all the family.


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Rodney Lobo commented on "The many faces of Ben Mkapa, the late president of Tanzania/John Nazareth/Trevor Grundy"

29 Jul 2020

In August 1998 I had the pleasure of meeting President Mkapa in Oslo, Norway. He was here on a state visit and as part of the programme he met with individuals and organisations relevant to Tanzania. I was on the board of the Norway - Tanzania association and was asked to lead a small delegation to present the association and its activities. But what should we give him as a gift to remember the Association and his visit to Norway? For some reason I remember Peter Nazareth's brother John Nazareth once telling me that Mkapa and Peter had studied together at Makerere and that Mkapa was a fan of Elvis Presley. So I scoured around music shops in Oslo and found a cd album that was special and seldom. (At least that's what the cover said). So I bought it as our gift to him. At our meeting and after the formal part, I told him that I had a source who told me he liked Elvis Presley and that here is a special cd of the singer! The Tanzanian ambassador and the people around jumped in their chairs and wanted to know how come I had information of such personal character about the President! Luckly, I remained calm and told a curious and wondering president that I know his former university mate who had "leaked" the information. The president kept the cd aside and wanted to know about Peter's whereabouts and doings. I told him what I knew, and his face lit up as he then looked back at the album and kept it close to himself. A moment I will never forget, and from what I could judge he would't either. The Mkapa- Presley moment. Rest in peace Mr President. Rodney Lobo, Oslo, Norway.


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trodzamail commented on "VALU ABREU M.B.E. an outstanding Goan"

27 Jul 2020

Great to read of all this fascinating history of Valu and the Abreu family....I'm the son of a uk. I visited Kenya and met quite a few of the clan...and am still in touch with Andrew & Zita...I also did some years work in Tanzania...& so know quite a lot about East Africa.My blog gives you a peep into some of my writing. I wish the family well and am so proud of the great contribution the family has made to society and to goans abroad. You can contact me on trodza at ymail or trukay at gmail.


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Eddie Tavares. commented on "A Blaise of Cricket Glory"

15 Jul 2020

I had always wanted to know what happened to Blaise. I enjoyed watching him bowl. Thanks for sharing this write up. Blaise was a great gentleman and very unassuming.


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Coach Melvin commented on "A Blaise of Cricket Glory"

14 Jul 2020

This is an excellent piece, Cyprian.Blaise was and is amazing.


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Cleta commented on "ROSALIND MASCARENHAS: Eulogy"

12 Jul 2020

Thank you for all the happy memories,you will always be remembered fondly.I will miss our frequent little chats. From Cleta,Melissa,Sharon,and Robbie.


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Stanm commented on "ROSALIND MASCARENHAS: Eulogy"

10 Jul 2020

Thankyou so much Joseph, mum will be dearly missed, we know now she is in a better place where she wont be feeling pain or suffering anymore. Thankyou so much for the tribute you have created for mum, and for all to read and share, illustrating her life struggles, to be known and how she carried on to live a full and caring life ,which may reassure anyone whom may feel there is no hope when difficulties occur, but know there is hope always, Sincerely, Stanley,

In response to a comment by Joseph D'Souza


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Eddie Tavares. commented on "ROSALIND MASCARENHAS: Eulogy"

10 Jul 2020

May her soul rest in eternal peace and May her memory be a blessing.


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Joseph D'Souza commented on "ROSALIND MASCARENHAS: Eulogy"

10 Jul 2020

If one day there is a story to be told of heroism, duty, dealing with the cards delt by life's meanderings,- then all those whose lives were touched by this giant of a soul in Rosalind Mascarenhas will be the authours of the chapters that write that book. Farewell Dear Rosalind. Thank you for memories and experiences over so many decades. With love, honour, respect and tribute from the family of Cosmas and Rose D'Souza.


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1 Jul 2020

93 not out ! Bravo



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23 Jun 2020

My father, Filipe Sebastiao De Souza,arrived in Kenya in 1928. Though early, he must have been the 3rd or fourth wave of Goans coming to East Africa. He first worked with Shell Company on the technical side and his work took him to the three East African countries(Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika). He would recount, after a nice tot of whisky to help him along, his adventures in the bush. The roads were murram- if they existed at all. The car wheels had wooden spokes which would sometime break. They carried spare spokes to replace them and continue on their journeys. Sometimes the spokes ran out, and they would then look for suitable pieces of timber in the surrounding forests, which would then be fashioned as replacements. After a few years of having Nairobi as his base, he was transferred to Kampala and he continued with the same job. He finally learnt the craft of Watch-making and repairs and he opened a shop dealing with Roamer watches and repairs. He had the francise for Roamer watches in the whoe of East Africa and the Sudan. Around 1958 there was the Kabaka Yeka party and other parties which were agitating for Independence. Among the means used was a boycott of the South Asian and European businesses.My father's business was badly hit as most of his customers were Africans and the Baganda. He rallied on for a couple of years but the damage had been done. He closed shop before going into bankruptcy and opened a smaller outfit in the Wandegeya suburb in Kampala.This served to barely sustain the family. In 1961 the whole family moved to Nairobi, and was to stay there until 1973 when he retired to Goa were he passed away at the end of that year. Malachy De Souza M.D.



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Unknown commented on "(Untitled)"

16 Jun 2020

I am forever greatful to Cyprian for taking us Down memory lane of those sweet old days in Mombasa. Not only Goans but we Arabs too remember The Shiftars.

gio1 commented on "Tony Almeida: a world renowned architect"

11 Jun 2020

I remember with great nostalgia passing my early school years at this school, from 1961 to 1966!Surrounded by so many happy schoolkids; both black and brown and every other colour in between. Now I'm 69, but the memories flood back! I also stayed until the end of 1962 at the nearby Goan School Hostel. I rememberonce Julius Nyerere dropping by at the hostel once as there was a nephew of his - or the son of some relative, or other politician - briefly staying at the hostel. I also recall hearing the independence festivities coming from the big sports stadium based in Cha'ngombe at the time, and this would have been November 1961. Sadly the hostel had to shut at the end of term in 1962, for possible reasons of being under-used, as the top floor was completely unoccupied, with probably 40 bed spaces. I vaguely remember that we were never more than 25 boys in possibly an 80 bed space hostel. I was also teacher's pet two years in a row, (shock, horror!).. when I was made number one pupil by these lady teachers. One of them was Miss Tanna, whom I had a crush on (more shock, horror!). She wore saris to school, was pale skinned, and always came to school smelling beautifully and wearing a long, lustrous thick hair plait, topped over one ear with a ball of jasmine flowers stuck behind one ear..aaaahh, memoires!! I would pay millions to re-live those times. Is there such a thing as a parallel universe, where one re-lives a life over and over?


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Unknown commented on "Photo Gallery of Kenya Cricket 23 photos: CM Gracias, Blaise d'Cunha Johnny Lobo! Ramanbhai Patel, Mehboob Ali, Basharat Hassan and hundreds others."


8 Jun 2020

What an excellent collection.



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Unknown commented on "Walter Fernandes: Out of Africa, unforgettable moments"

1 Jun 2020

Well done Walter! All the best!



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Unknown commented on "Walter Fernandes: Out of Africa, unforgettable moments"

1 Jun 2020

Going through my files I found a copy of `A FAREWELL CONCERT TO OBOE` .The concert took place at the residence of J.M. Nazereth Q.C. on the 20thJuly 1966 . Taking part were all you named plus Helen De Souza and Euphemia (Sopranos) Brought tears to me because at a very early age Oboe taught me chess .



Description automatically generated commented on "Walter Fernandes: Out of Africa, unforgettable moments"

1 Jun 2020

I remember Walter and Leandro Saldanha as being the shining hopes for the future of Goan classical music. The quartet mentioned above, consisted of Alberto Rodrigues,recently deceased, the 2nd. violin, Anthony Alvares, elder brother of the much better known jazz trumpeter Auggie Alvares, played lead violinist. |Aires Campos played viola and Braz Rodrigues, Alberto's brother played Cello. This group was also joined on various occasions by Walter, Leandro, Louis Pires, (violin), his bro. Gilbert, (Bass) Dominic de Souza (violin) and Ilda Noronha (Anthony, Oboe Noronha's wife.) Little known fact was that the late Alberto Rod. was a very proficient baritone singer who on one occasion won the Rose Bowl and a number of other trophies at the Kenya Music Festival. Those were Happy Times. Thank you Walter for bringing back those great days.\



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Unknown commented on "Walter Fernandes: Out of Africa, unforgettable moments"

31 May 2020

Isabella , Albert was a great Violist . He and Anthony Alvares were good buddies . Very often he with Anthony Alvares (!st violin , Pires (2nd Violin) Albert(Viola) and I forget the fourth , would play in quartets . Sorry to hear he just past .



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Isabella Wise (nee de Souza) commented on "Walter Fernandes: Out of Africa, unforgettable moments"

31 May 2020

It is with great sadness I report that my uncle Albert Rodrigues, violinist mentioned in this article, just passed away on 29 March 2020 in Goa.



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R bij commented on "The Indian "duka" in Kibwezi"

27 May 2020

This was very interesting, Krishna's son is looking to get in touch with you. Please respond if you are happy to do so!


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Unknown commented on "Cyprian Fernandes: Nairobi in my dreams of a long time ago"

22 May 2020

Well written! Did not know it was you who wrote this article! Thank you!



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Unknown commented on "The Birth of St Teresa's NEW VERSION"

18 May 2020

you have just given a history of my childhood parish I have been looking for, for a long time. Thank you.



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Cressy commented on "Obituary: Nicky de Mello, a sports fan-atic"

11 Apr 2020

Dearest Sybil and Navarro Thanks for being there for Nick and me Love Cressy

In response to a comment by Unknown



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Eddie Tavares. commented on "R.I.P Dr Fitz de Souza, true greatness!"

27 Mar 2020

Both Pio and Fitz were pioneers in the struggle for Kenya’s independence. Both had strong feelings for the freedom of Goa as well. I wonder what their views on the current state of affairs in Goa and Kenya would be. The total breakdown in a strong and stable Government free of bribery and corruption which has transpired after Liberation and Independence must have dulled their spirits especially Fitz who being an officer of the court as well as Deputy Speaker of the Parliament.



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12 Mar 2020

How about a visit to the Dr Ribeiro Parklands School after the Memorial Mass at St Francis Xavier Church, Parklands. Dr Malachy De Souza M.D.



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Unknown commented on "Rose D'Sa: Brexit ends a long journey of dedication"

4 Feb 2020

Rose has quite a rich background in the professional and sports fields. My sympathies to her and the rest of the family over the loss of her mother Annie De Sa on 29 January. Malachy De Souza M.D.



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Unknown commented on "Goans of Goa, another view"

2 Feb 2020

I appreciate the write-up of Prof. Abdul Aziz Lodhi, who made me see clearly some insights on the Goan Community in Goa. I was aware of Goan Hindus and Goan Muslims - the former I surmised from the mosques I saw in Panjim in a trip to the motherland in 1975; I did not know there were Goan Muslims in Zanzibar, and I have yet to meet a Goan Muslim. It is nice to see that all branches of the Goan Community live side by side and I hope this trend continues. Marriage between the various communities and religions will help their integration. Dr Malachy De Souza M.D.



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Unknown commented on "Jack Simonian: The eulogy by Jeremy Sirley"

22 Jan 2020

Jack was truly a gentleman and a sportsman and was one of my role models although we had never met. Dr Malachy De Souza M.D.


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Unknown commented on "A memorial Mass for Dr Manu in Toronto"

20 Jan 2020

I attended Dr Manu's funeral Mass at St Austin's Church, Nairobi, and was pleasantly surprised to see so many people of all races and religions among the congregation. Manu will be remembered by many patients, especially those seen by his Ear Foundation; I accompanied Manu and Clara to some of the Ear Camps and it was an enriching experience to see the devotion of the couple. Malachy De Souza M.D.


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Cyprian Fernandes commented on "Canadian Goans: a perspective"

17 Jan 2020

Appreciate the thoughts, albeit it belatedly



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ilfordian commented on "Tony Almeida: a world renowned architect"

24 Dec 2019

Today I thought of Mr.Tony Almeida and I googled him and I found him here. I am sorry to hear about his passing away.May his soul rest in peace. We were neighbours in Dar es Salaam In Acacia Avenue .He was living with his family there .My father( ex P.S.Karadia) had our house in Changombe planned by him. My father was very proud of tfact that he was an Architect and that he drew the plans for our house. He was also the architect of my School 'D.A.Girls Secondary School'. I will always remember him a very handsome smiling but at times serious young man.He was 25 years my senior. Hansa Patel (Presently in London,UK. Born in Dar es Salaam)



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Eddie Tavares. commented on "Cyprian Fernandes: The vanishing tribe: Mombasa: First Goan Institute in Africa"

23 Dec 2019

A great expose of the Goan History in Eastern Africa. A tribute to our sense of adventure and commitment.



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Eddie Tavares. commented on "This isn't the India they taught us about in school"

22 Dec 2019

Narendra Modi has become so emboldened by his party’s success in the recent election that he thinks that he is a King or Rajah. His sole effort now is to convert India from a secular state to a Hindu State and disenfranchise those of every other religion in the process. This is not the first time he has acted in this fashion. When he was Chief Minister of Gujarat, he turned a blind eye and a deaf ear when EXTREMIST Hindus targeted Christians, desecrating Churches and harassing Christian Minority in Gujarat and even forcing converts to Christianity to renounce their faith and revert to Hinduism. He himself is an extremist and believes in the Hindutav doctrine. I wish all fair minded Indians join the protests and ensure that this absurd citizenship Law is abolished forthwith. India should remain a secular state and ALL Indians of whatever Religion or no religion at all can live in harmony in their own country and not be subject to the whims of people such as Modi. What a tragedy this is. I support wholeheartedly the protests against this unfair and unjust law.



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Unknown commented on "Death of a great Kenya Goan icon"

25 Nov 2019

DOREEN FIGUEIREDO Growing up in Nairobi, the Figueiredo family knew the D'Cruz family very well.The previous comments show what a wonderful couple both Clara and Manu were. On behalf of the Sisters of Mercy and the Mater Misericordiae Hospital in Nairobi I would like to acknowledge the support and work Manu gave in his own way and on behalf of the Rotarians in Nairobi to the Mater and our outlying missions. May he rest in peace.



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Unknown commented on "Obituary: Nicky de Mello, a sports fan-atic"

8 Nov 2019

Dearest Sybil and Novarro, Thank you for letting me know! Warmest regards. K.



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Unknown commented on "Obituary: Nicky de Mello, a sports fan-atic"

8 Nov 2019

Nicky, it was an immense pleasure and a great honour having known you for a couple of years before Idi Amin drove a wedge between us. You always watched over all of us, and there is no doubt you will continue doing the same from your ringside seat in Heaven, while enjoying the company of the Lord and as we wait to join you as per His plan. I wish your family the strength and courage to bear your temporary loss. Your fond memories will keep us all going. Affectionately, Kuldeep Nayer.



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Unknown commented on "Roy's Pacheco's life safari"

29 Oct 2019

Bwana Cypy! Asante sana! There are more of my true stories if you wish to read and enjoy!

Bilal Khatri112 commented on "Toronto old-timers, "them good old days" here again!!!"

12 Oct 2019


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Unknown commented on "Roy's Pacheco's life safari"

10 Oct 2019

Asante Sana! Bwana Cypy!


Kersi Rustomji commented on "Muriel Thampy, a celebration of a much loved teacher and mother"

2 Oct 2019

While not my class teacher, Mural was a teacher at the Catholic Parochial and St Teacher. She was a dear friend. As I cant attend from down under, I would be most grateful if my brief message is read at the gathering. Jambo all the CPS and St. Teresa lads and ladies. 60 odds years have passed, am 82 now, and I recall Muriel, her kids, especially Ashok and her brother Sydney Lewis. Unfortunately, I was not in her class but we saw her at school and held her in high respect and regards. Muriel was an amazingly brave and a gutsy lady, who raised a family of wonderful children, all by herself, with great devotion to them as well to life, casting aside the biases and communal barbs that our women were often were subjected to, which she often shared with me, during a few meals at her Ngara flat. Muriel showed them all they had someone tough to contend with, and Muriel a super Mum put them all to silence. Among you all gathered hear, I still recall most of the names from CPS and St. Teresa, to mention here her other charges, all her students. Mural taught us all by her life example, that no matter what adversity besets us, we can overcome it all, if we put our shoulder to it. Dear Muriel, thank you for being a part of my like. May you now continue to have eternal peace. To you all, too many to mention by names which I still recall, at 82 years,jambo from Australia. I pray that the Lord blesses you all with love , happiness and joy in your lives. Kwaheri, dear friends of old and new. Kersi Rustomji.


Description automatically generated commented on "Cyprian Fernandes: What the church said about Kenya Goans in 1968"

2 Oct 2019

The article is very interesting, but I think I have missed something. I still can not understand why were the Goans departed? Maybe I should find more information about that.



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Unknown commented on "Muriel Thampy, a celebration of a much loved teacher and mother"

1 Oct 2019

Dear Mrs. Thampy was my neighbor in Ngara. I used to go to her home for Tuition. I still keeep in touch with her family. God Bless them all! Roy Pacheco


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the friendly support team is open for you 24/7 commented on "Antoinette: photos in memoriam"

23 Sept 2019

Warm family atmosphere was caught in these photos, it is always pleasing to see people happy. I think everyone has a special family album to treasure such moments.

Bethuel Oduo commented on "You visited my blog 300,000 time, asante sana!"

19 Sept 2019

Hi Cyprian, I was born bred and brought up in Kitale in the Rift Valley Province. My father moved there from Kisumu in 1950 as a young man. He was warmly received by a Goan family of tailors called Mr Diaz. He had two sons Gilbert Diaz and Edmund Diaz and one sister Philomena Diaz.They taught him how to stitch suits a profession he picked up and used all his life. We somehow owe our existence and establishment to the Diaz family. I would wish to get in touch with any member of the Diaz family Ex-Kitale in Kenya.\




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helpful site commented on "A Pure Goan ... Part 2"

9 Sept 2019

The identity of each person does not depend on his homeland or loved ones, since only he decides who he is and what is most important to him.


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hyperlink commented on "Antoinette and Me"

9 Sept 2019

This friendship story is incredibly amazing because you have passed incredibly many tests together and were able to maintain respect and understanding between you.


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editing academic papers of all kinds commented on "Antoinette: A daughter's tears"

9 Sept 2019

Such strong stories should be known to the largest number of people so that everyone can appreciate what they have and take care of it even more.

A person wearing a red shirt and tie

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Kevin Saldanha commented on "Antoinette: A daughter's tears"

5 Sept 2019

Thank you for sharing this


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they can write your 15 page commented on "Antoinette: photos in memoriam"

5 Sept 2019

This is a nice reminder! Keep up sharing the news! Will be waiting for your new article! Hope it will be interesting and appealing!


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Diana Patel commented on "Antoinette: A daughter's tears"

5 Sept 2019

Such a beautiful account of your relationship with your dear mother. Brought me to tears! Stay strong . We are praying that you do well. Diana, Deb and family


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Unknown commented on "Mombasa's finest in sports"

14 Aug 2019

Jambo Mheshimiwa Mutukufu Cyprian! Asanteni for the Great & Generous accolades to all our Coastal Sports Personalities – as we always portrayed the Coast to Coast Bond – and indefinitely Respect – Reflect – Reminisce our fallen Heros!

Lisette Saldanha commented on "Canadian Goans: a perspective"

14 Aug 2019

So nice to see a young uncle Aloysious featured here. Uncle Aloysious was keen and dedicated to the community. The fact that he was one of the few that were there from the inception of the GOA Toronto does not surprise me. He persevered for the community and in the charitable branch with great humility and dedication, never seeking any accolades for his contributions. As his niece he has been one of my inspirations. Kudos to all these six gentlemen for starting something that has generated pride for our community socially, in sports and in contributions to this beautiful land we call home. As a young girl I remember attending every dance with my family, participating in Canadian multicultural events like Harbour Front and Toronto’s Caravan. As a teenager In my new Canadian home I found grounding and a connection to my roots. Congratulations to the GOA Toronto as they celebrate 50 years, and all the individuals that have had a part in it.

Lisette Saldanha commented on "My brother John J. D'Souza"

14 Aug 2019

So nice to see a young uncle Aloysious featured here. Uncle Aloysious was keen and dedicated to the community. The fact that he was one of the few that were there from the inception of the GOA Toronto does not surprise me. He persevered for the community and in the charitable branch with great humility and dedication, never seeking any accolades for his contributions. As his niece he has been one of my inspirations. Kudos to all these six gentlemen for starting something that has generated pride for our community socially, in sports and in contributions to this beautiful land we call home. As a young girl I remember attending every dance with my family, participating in Canadian multicultural events like Harbour Front and Toronto’s Caravan. As a teenager In my new Canadian home I found grounding and a connection to my roots. Congratulations to the GOA Toronto as they celebrate 50 years, and all the individuals that have had a part in it.


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Unknown commented on "Stars Next Door" Two mighty Trojans of Kenya hockey"

14 Aug 2019

Thanks for the detailed information about Avtar &Alu. I was a close friend of the Mendonca family besides being their doctor. We would visit often & I would look forward to the Goan specialties they would serve at their table. Dr Malachy De Souza


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Pearl Ferrao. commented on "Fare thee well, my darling best friend Maureen!"

23 Jul 2019

Maureen and Eugene were good customers to Ferrao Auto Repair as well as became good friends to Danny and myself. Our condolences to Karl and family, Gavin and family. It's a great loss to lots of us. Rest In Peace 🙏🙏 friends.


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Unknown commented on "Goodbye Europe"

29 Jun 2019

Hi Cyprian. I was filled with joy at the various towns and sites you visited. Althought I spent six years in Europe at Medical School in Italy, I was not able to see as many monumets as you may have seen within so short a period. I did visit a number of towns in Italy and saw ancient monuments; I regret not having been able to visit Venice and Florence. On Avignon, I would like to add that the Popes fled Rome to establish their Sees there. This was as a result of wards between the Papal States and the secular arm of the non-Papal States. St Catherine of Siena, that saint with a "sharp tongue," was instrumental in convincing the Pope to return to Rome and recover the See of|Peter. Best wishes, Dr Malachy De Souza.


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Unknown commented on "Goodbye Europe"

16 Jun 2019

Hi Skip - Wonderful Pictures & Commentary - Following


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Fiona commented on "The Clan System in the Goan Village"

13 Jun 2019

Hi John, around 5 yaers ago, i managed to link to Richard de souza who informed me that my father was linked to Vangod 3 - do you have any ancestry data for that clan please. Thank you


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Unknown commented on "Tony Almeida: a world renowned architect"

28 Apr 2019

I am sad to hear about the passing away of Mr. Anthony Almeida, a very well known, talented architect who made an enormous contribution to the profession. I am myself an architect from Dar-es-Salaam, and have met Mr. Almeida on several occasions in Dar. Every time, I learnt something new and interesting about him as a practising architect, his in-depth knowledge of history and design and construction in general. The fraternity of professionals and associates will miss him tremendously. We are very proud of the legacy that Mr. Almeida has left behind both locally and internationally. May God bless his soul. Praful Soni


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Susan Rodrigues commented on "Ferdie Rodrigues: excerpts from a book in progress"

25 Apr 2019

The first excerpt is my interpretation of a photo: A meeting with dad and others

Palebushman commented on "(Untitled)"

7 Mar 2019

How wonderful to come across your wonderful story about 'The Shiftars' Cecilia Mascarenhas. I am Dave Whitehead, the drummer with Conny Kit and The Pirates in Mombasa at the time and latterly with 'The Bushmen' in Italy. Would also like to give my special thanks to Cyprian Fernandes for publishing your story here in this blog. Thank you Cyprian, and should you wish to contact me, I am on the same continent as you, but unfortunately a little bit too far away from you up here in Queensland.My email address is palebushman@bigpond or Oh how I miss those awesome time we had in Mombasa in the 50's and 60's.



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Cyprian Fernandes commented on "Dementia"

27 Feb 2019

Thank you! Wish you a little light ... for your mum. Cyprian



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Vivien Prince commented on "Dementia"

27 Feb 2019

This is very useful, as my mum (97) has dementia. Thank you for sharing.

Cyprian Fernandes commented on "Nairobi: breathing new life into memories of Eastleigh/town schools"



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A. Anthony (TONY) FERNANDES:The 'ROCK RAMBLER' commented on "Nairobi: breathing new life into memories of Eastleigh/town schools"

10 Aug 2015

Mervyn Maciel my 'rafiki and revered 'wazee' zipped this to me , Enjoyed the blog posting and pix. Even clocked pics of my rellies Denzil De Moraes and daughter etc. Did not recognize any other faces yet ( though admittedly many a bit ahead of my time there ) but nonetheless a great effort and well done Asante sana indeed (Sadly I was not able to be there despite living in London) I will message Greg separately PS: I's be keen to set up a dedicated FB page if there isn't one already . Your thoughts would be appreciated



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Unknown commented on "Goa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar"

8 Dec 2014

Editorial in CATHOLIC MIRROR (Nairobi, Kenya), March, 1968 .Page Four. GOAN CATHOLICS The spotlight in recent weeks, has been turned full on the exodus of many Asians from Kenya. Among those who have departed are a number of Goan families from Nairobi and other centres in the country. Their departure must necessarily remind us of the extraordinary contributions the Goans of Kenya have made to the Catholic Church and Catholic life in this country. They came here bringing with them a tradition of Catholic worship and family life, which stretched back more than four centuries to the great apostle of their homeland, St Francis Xavier. In their own country – an area surrounded by non-Christian communities – they had developed that Christian tradition. It centred on a great devotion to the central act of worship of the Church, the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Blessed Eucharist. It found strength in their love of Mary, the Mother of God, and St. Francis Xavier. The older generation passed on their faith to those who followed them and many a missionary in Kenya in the last hundred years has had reason to thank God for the example of Catholic life of this people. Their loyalty to their faith and their unhesitating generosity in the material support of the Church and its spread to others are too well known to need emphasis. One need but mention a few of the monuments to this generosity – the Holy Family Cathedral in Nairobi, St.Francis Xavier’s Church, the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools and the Church at Eastleigh. They were generous to a fault when it came to giving to God, whether that giving involved the sacrifice of their time and comfort in working for such societies as that of St. Vincent de Paul or the Legion of Mary, or delving into their resources to build churches where God would be worshipped or schools where their children would receive a true Christian education. It is only natural then that the Catholic community, comprising people of every race, should regret the necessity that makes many of these fellow-Catholics leave us in Kenya. The Church will be poorer, spiritually and materially, for their going; but the countries to which they go will be the richer for their coming. Those who remain will, we know, continue the tradition of loyalty to their faith of the Goans. Those who are leaving will carry with them the thanks of their fellow-Catholics and missionaries and the prayerful wish that all will go well for them in their new homes. To all, whether they go or stay, might be applied the words of Pope Pius XI regarding another small catholic race, the Irish, whom persecution and economic necessity compelled to leave their homeland, a hundred years ago: “Like God’s pure air, they are everywhere; and everywhere they are doing good.”


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RIEP Carlito Mascarenhas

    CARLOS (CARLITO) MASCARENHAS   MAY 24, 1937 - JULY 16, 2024 Carlito pictured between the two Sikhs at the top It is with a sad heart and...