Friday, October 7, 2022

Rose M. D'Sa: A Kenyan Goan British superstar!


GOING JUU (Swahili for taking off, going up, etc) 

A tale of three cultures: Kenya Goa Britain


By Rose M. D’Sa

Published by Lexxion Publisher-Berlin

394 pages

(Order your free copy at the above link subject to payment of shipping charges,)

THIS is a fabulous read albeit a long one: 394 pages but above all, it is an honest and factual recollection, with no-holds-barred. After all her writing hand is guided by the brilliant lawyer she is. Her pen does not falter at an uncomfortable truth, what others might consider “too much information". She takes us on a long and winding safari about her life, her parents, grandparents, relatives and friends in Kenya, Goa, Britain and her adventures as a tennis (an “obsession”) player who could have been Kenya’s first professional tennis player, the love of her life and then a clinical examination of her path to lawyerdom. To say that Rose D’Sa is an outstanding British Kenyan Goan would be an understatement, I reckon she is more than that.

Rose celebrates the three countries she owes allegiance to: Kenya, the great savannahs full of wildlife, the people of Kenya she met growing up, the golden beaches at the coast where she holidayed, her school days at Loreto Convent (Valley Road), the Goan Institute Nairobi, the city of Nairobi itself (she remained a citizen of Kenya for a very long time); the Goa of her grandparents and her own parents and, of course, her life in the UK … truly greatly well lived with much, much to celebrate, life itself.

There have been many honours bestowed upon her, including two visits to a Royal reception by the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, A Gold Medal appreciation by the European Economic and Social Committee and lots of other VIP invitations including being recognised as a Welsh Woman of the Year.

Rose has scripted terrific odes to her father Alex (we knew him as Leo) and her mother Annie, grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunties and she celebrates most if not all of her parents’ friends in Kenya and Goa. As such it is a major contribution to the disappearing history of the Goans in East Africa.

She remembers with great joy her late uncle Alu Mendonca, four-time hockey Olympian, field hockey coach and a should-have-been Olympic sprinter. On returning from each Olympics or an international match, he always brought back to her a memento of the trip. He was her own very special inspiration, a personal “David Beckham” in the family as she writes. Her father was a hockey umpire and her aunt Teresa was a Kenya hockey international. In Kenya, in those days there were lots of stars next door because most Goans lived close to each other.

While she was blown away by Alu’s hockey stardom, she was also broken-hearted by the manner of his departure. “… when Uncle Alu lived with my mother (his sister) in Westlands, he similarly showed little inclination to take any physical exercise and spent hours sitting in a chair, reading the paper, but otherwise immobile. It could be that this behaviour adversely affected my mother, too. It was distressing to witness this behaviour in someone who knew a great deal about physical fitness and one who had been so fit himself. He was, however, fully capable of walking when he chose to. We once took them both for a holiday to the coast in Mombasa. It could only be achieved by organising wheelchair support at the airport and within the hotel. It was a tiring and tiresome experience for John and me, we had to wheel both around a fair bit, but our intention was a noble one, to give them a nice holiday in a luxurious 5-star hotel. On our return journey, the flight was delayed for several hours. Alu need to use the toilet, so I asked for an airport attendant to assist him. It took too long for the person to arrive, in the meantime, Alu calmly got up from the wheelchair and walked to the toilet, completely normally and unaided. As he came back out, the relevant attendant arrived and witnessed what seemed like the passenger’s miraculous cure! Undaunted at being found out, Alu sat down again and just waited to be wheeled to the aircraft.”

Alu Mendonca passed away on  10 March 2017.

There was a time when Goan fathers only spoke to a child when he or she needed disciplining and out came the belt, the whipping stick or the slap. Otherwise, the Minister for Home Affairs (the mother) dealt with everything else. Rose was lucky enough to be born in an era when fathers, especially those in white-collar jobs, made it their business to in-connect with their children. Rose and her father, Alex Henry D’Sa (Leo to his friends) had such a beautiful relationship.  When he passed away suddenly at the age of 53, it changed her life irrevocably. “Several decades passed before I recovered from the impact and then, perhaps, never quite completely.”

This book is about one woman’s passion for her father, her mother, her husband Professor John Anthony Matthews, passion for relatives, passion for tennis, passion for law and passion for a universe of interests. And a passion for just life and all that is fortunate enough to capture her interest and win her dedication.

This is by no means an in-depth review of a book that will find its niche amongst readers from Kenya, Britain, Goa, Europe and anywhere else where she is recognised … especially as one of the great lawmakers of the European community. In the second part, I will look at her passion for tennis and the law.

Tom Verdon

Rose was a visiting Professor of Law at Cardiff University whilst I was there in 1982. She lectured in Constitutional Law and was a wonderful member of the Cardiff Law School! We had a number of great chats in her rooms over coffee. Doctor George Kanyeihamba the Head of the Constitutional Law Department often joined us. The subject of discussion was invariably Uganda and its troubles under Milton Obote, then in his second term. George had fled Uganda after making anti Amin Comments whilst holding the Chair of Law at Makerere University. Rose knew a number of Indians who had been deported from Uganda by the Dictator. They were incredibly interesting talks and Doctor Kanyeihamba would be invited back to Uganda after I had graduated, to become one of President Yoweri Museveni’s first Attorney General, instrumental in rewriting the Ugandan Constitution. David Cheffings and I, who played first pair at that time for Cardiff University’s tennis team, took Rose and George on at the Castle Club in Cardiff. Rose was a great player and the future Attorney General of Uganda was ‘enthusiastic’! I was very upset when Rose moved to take up a senior legal position at Birmingham University in around 1984! She is a vibrant and lovely lady with a huge intellect and an absolute star. Kenya Juu kweli!


Cyprian she is a lovely lady……incredibly hard working and honestly an inspiring academic. We had many chats about Kenya and tennis in Kenya. I think she played with many of the greats of the 70’s in Kenya, the likes of Yashvin Shretta and the Ilako brothers amongst others! Pleasure to share my memories of her!

Sandra Pellini

Rose was in my class at Loreto Convent Valley Road. She was the best essay writer of the class and often her essays were read out aloud. We were both in the school tennis team and often played doubles together in the tennis tournaments. She was also a brilliant actress. I recall her playing the part of Portia in “The Merchant of Venice”where I too had a small part. 

Congratulations  Rose for your success 

Some of the names that pop up in Rose's book:

Alu Mendonca, Teresa Mandricks, Dr Abel Carrasco,  Mary Carrasco, David Carrasco, Bessie Carrasco, Emeralda de Mello, Dr Charlie Paes, Suzette Paes, Dr Peter de Sousa, Lactty de Sousa, Philly and Neville De Mello, Neil De Mello, Rodney Lobo, Gordon D’Silva, Nelson Coutinho, Agnes and Anthony Coutinho, Darryl and Arthur Coutinho, Joyce and Florence D’Silva, Sarah Lobo, Amy D’Souza, Joseph D’Souza, Edith D’Souza, Robert and Elizabeth D’Souza and their children Ursula, Carl (Bonnie) and Lorraine. Paul and Sarah Lobo and their children Robin, Gavin, Myrtle and the late Rodney. Joe and Carmen Pereira, Eustace D’Mello, Frank and Clemy D’Souza’s daughters Linda and Lillian and her husband Q Lopes. Cruz and Eulet D’Souza, Angelo D’Sa, Pascoal and Esmeralda de Mello, Alba Fernandes, Norman Da Costa, Eddie Fernandes, Seraphino Antao, Erika Mendonca-DeSilva, Tyson DeSilva, Avtar Singh, Hillary Fernandes, Egbert Fernandes, Saude George, Manuel and Maria Mendonca (Rose’s maternal grandparents), Camillo and Georgina D’Sa (Rose’s paternal grandparents), Willibald Fernandes, Raymond de Mello, Dr Assumption (Sanoo) de Mello, Shaun Barretto, Rosalyn Mendonca, Bijoo de Mello, Dr Jeronimo Pius Mendonca, Jules Carneiro, Paul Nazareth, Dr P Z Patel, Eddie Rodrigues, Albert Joannes, Wilfrid D’Souza, Greg and Alu Carvalho, Greg Rodrigues, Joe Pereira, V. Sarvala, Marcellus Zuzarte, Roldao Menezes, Louisa and Valerie De Mello, 





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