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Showing posts from February, 2023


  THIS AND THAT… The Northern Frontier District. (North Eastern Province) My friend Mervyn Maciel knows more about this subject than I do. He served there in the colonial civil service. A neighbour of mine, Mohahmed Asgar in Eastleigh, was a native of Isiolo, one of the key centres in the NFD. Asgar was a native of Isiolo. In Nairobi, he worked for Coca-Cola, driving huge land trains supplying the NFD towns with a variety of soft drinks.   During the school holidays, I would go with Asgar on his travels. Isiolo used to be 260 km from Nairobi, probably one of the worst untarred roads in Kenya of the 1950s. Most roads where white folks did not live were always hellish, because most other folks walked and did not own trucks or cars. Drought, ever-present, is just part of life until the next rains. The NFD was carved out of southern Somalia in 1925 (in an era when white folks were dividing Africa amongst themselves). According to “Global Security”, A treaty drawn up in 192...

Mohamed Sahnoun, the greatness of man

  Mohamed Sahnoun 1931-2018 An extraordinary diplomat   “Born in Algeria in 1931, the son of an imam, educated at the Sorbonne and later at New York University, he returned from Paris to serve in Algeria’s National Liberation Front in the days of its fight against French colonialism, where he was arrested and tortured, as recounted in his autobiographical novel Mémoire Blessée (“Wounded Memory”). When independence was won, he became diplomatic adviser to the country’s provisional government, and subsequently devoted his whole life to diplomacy and the pursuit of peace, with his career postings and titles enough to fill multiple lives. “His first major postings, from the mid-60s to mid-70s, were as deputy secretary general of the Organization for African Unity at its headquarters in Addis Ababa, then of the Arab League. He went on to be Algeria’s ambassador to Germany, “France, the United Nations, the United States and Morocco. And from the early 1990s he represente...

Some of the pioneer Goan Medicos of Kenya

  BELOW ARE JUST SOME OF THE NAMES OF PIONEER GOAN DOCTORS, DENTISTS, PHARMACISTS ... Rosendo Ribeiro, Ayres Ribeiro, Dr A C L D'Souza,  Eli John Joseph Almeida Ignacio Jose Marco Barretto, Arnaldo Francisco Carvalho, Bonaventura Pinto Aires Carvalho, Arnaldo Carvalho, Lui Torentino Carvalho, Joseph Cardozo, Eulalia Cardozo, Diana Caiado,  Alberto Da Costa, Alex Da Costa, Manuel Joseph D'Cruz, Ruby D'Mello, Antonio De Menezes, Eclito D'Souza, John Paul D'Souza, Peter Antonius D'Souza,  Stephen Walter D'Souza, Valente D'Souza, Albert Fernandes,  Mary Helen Fernandes, Charles Alexander Paes,  Pedro Antonio Paes, Bonaventura Pinto, Doreen Pinto,  Joel Pinto, Caetano Quadros, Graciano Ribeiro, Alexander da Gama, Eric Josephy da Cruz, Joachim Campos, Joseph Castelino, Olinto D'Souza, Edward Dias, Alex D'Souza, Felibert D'Souza,  Mary Mathilda D'Souza, Titus D'Souza, Valente D'Souza, Vitalda Maria D'Souza, Raymond D'Souza, Ernes...

PIO GAMA PINTO: Wasted by an ignorant bullet

  One Nation: Pio’s dream for Kenya Pio Gama Pinto with Jomo Kenyatta at Maralal and other members of the East Africa Goan League which was created by Pinto with a handful of friends. Kenyatta does not look happy at all in this photo. I was told that Pio had a falling out with Mzee long before this photo was taken. Mzee had refused to see him previously and he was surprised to see Pio with the League. VETERAN Kenya-born journalist *CYPRIAN FERNANDES celebrates the life of Pio Gama Pinto, Kenya’s first political martyr who was assassinated 58 years ago on February 24, 1965. THINGS THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED: 1.        The assassination of PGP was unnecessary, he was leaving for Mtwapa, Tanzania anyway. 2.        PGP should never have had that stand-up slanging match with Jomo Kenyatta. He should have known better.   IF THERE is a single beacon alight, many, many decades from now, to evoke the name of...


  Why Kenya Asians could not live in Kenya    B y CYPRIAN FERNANDES, Former Nation Chief Reporter Sydney, Australia   Isher Dass accompanied Jomo Kenyatta to England during 1920-1940. Dass helped Jomo with a little cash and assisted him while he pursued an English education. Dass, putting it mildly, was a mini adviser to Jomo. It would appear Jomo placed a lot of faith in the man who was helping him. While in London, Jomo spent as much time as he could with Mahatma Gandhi who, in later years, invited Jomo to his Ashram in India. Many, many years later Jomo would tell people like Mbiyu Koinange, Njoroge Mungai, Charles Njonjo and others that he regretted that he was unable to visit Gandhi in his younger ears. Suffice it to say that Gandhi impressed him during their short meetings in the UK. Similarly, Jomo counted a few other Asians amongst his "friends" in Kenya, all except Pio Gama Pinto who he considered a deserter and a renegade for joining Oginga Odin...


  OLAF REBEIRO Kenya, through the eyes of a child     Olaf Rebeiro was the son of Dr Manual and Angela Ribeiro de Santana. The large Ribeiro family was founded by the pioneer doctor in Kenya Dr Rosendo Ribeiro and his wife Marguerite.     Most of the good land was settled by Colonialists “mzungu or (white settlers)” who grabbed and usurped all the good land which they designated the “White Highlands”.   The British, rulers, encouraged segregation among the Asian and other communities, including the local African tribes. Their philosophy was to “divide and rule” We termed it, the “Colour Bar”. The Goans in the group that I belonged to, adopted the “Sussagade” - or make no waves attitude to life in Kenya. The Boers (Dutch from South Africa) and Seychellois (who spoke a pidgin French patois) were a minority group in Nairobi.   The Europeans (mainly British) lived in what was considered the best locations while the Asians – Sikhs, Hin...