Saturday, October 28, 2023

Rest in eternal peace Mervyn De Souza

 Rest in Peace Mervyn De Souza

13th October 2023. Brighton, UK. MERVYN DE SOUZA died peacefully. Beloved Husband of Anna, caring and loving Father to Blair and Brendan, caring and loving Brother to Marina, Rachael and Roseleen, and Uncle to Valerie, Charlotte and Loretta. He will be very sadly and dearly missed by all.
For Funeral arrangements, watch this space. Condolences to Roseleen de Souza,

Mervyn during his Outward Bound days

Royal College days, Mervyn in the front

Royal College Nairobi mates

Mombasa Goan High School, Mervyn back row second from right

Mombasa Goan Institute hockey team

Mervy, the drummer in the Mombasa Musical Society ensemble

With the family, before leaving for the Rome 1960 Olympics. Mervyn was especially selected by the Royal College Nairobi for being the "best student"

Mervyn in his favourite cowboy shirt

In the words of his good friend Tony Reg D’Souza, “The late Mervyn De Souza was an all-round sportsman with a charismatic personality who will be dearly missed by all who knew him.”
These few words encapsulate the greatness of a man who was known and loved by many from Mombasa to Nairobi and the United Kingdom.

Equally, as Patrick Martins writes “I remember Mervyn De Souza, as a human being that had the gift of presence, on and off the field. I admired his hockey and cricket skills through my schoolboy days … but this grew leaps and bounds when I saw his name on the Boxing Honours Board at the University of Nairobi “Kitchen 1” Students Dining Hall. Mervyn was a good friend of my father and our family. His passion for life and personality … while always maintaining his privacy … will remain a model of a man who lived his life, his way… Rest in Peace, dear Friend… ‘Til we meet again.” 

Mervyn passed away peacefully in hospital in Brighton UK on Friday, October 13. He had been admitted on October 7 with Gall stones/Reflux Acid issues.

Mervyn was born in Entebbe, Uganda and completed his secondary education at the Goan High School in Mombasa where he excelled in his studies and was a very keen sportsman. He continued his studies at the Royal College in Nairobi (which later became the University of Nairobi) where he pursued a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

He was born to succeed in his professional career. He held various positions in the 3M company and later was at the helm of Dow Chemicals (Nairobi) as the Managing Director..

Mervyn was a keen golfer, a hockey player (he played quite a bit for the Mombasa Goan Institute and is named alongside the club’s best players) and an ardent snooker player. He was active in the Mombasa Goan Institute, both in sports and socially. He was also a member of the former whites-only Mombasa Sports Club. He was also a big fan of deep-sea fishing.

Messages To The Family:

 Dear Roseleen, Thank you for giving me  the shocking news of the  passing  away of Mervyn.  His death must have come as quite a shock to you.  I send you my heartfelt sympathies as well as the assurance of prayer for Mervyn.  May God grant him eternal rest.  I pray for you too and the family that God may grant you the strength to go through this trial.  God bless you all!  Bishop Agnelo Gracias

Thank you kindly for sharing Mervyn’s end journey with Maureen and she in turn kept me informed.  Your daily update of the suffering he went through was difficult to bear, but we continued to ask the Almighty to intercede; unfortunately, his condition only got graver and the Lord came to his rescue and took him Home!  We too felt we lost a brother and a good friend! RIP.  However hard this is to accept, that he has left us, Mervyn will be remembered as a kind, caring, loving person, sometimes a tease with a cheeky smile!  We will also remember him on the hockey field, as he dribbled the ball at the Gold Cup tournament in Nairobi held yearly at Easter when he played for the Mombasa Goan Institute against the East African teams that competed on that long weekend ending with the Gold Cup dance on Sunday!  He also displayed his talents in cricket for both clubs over the years and made many lasting friendships.  Our Dad, TJ Lobo enjoyed playing many cricket matches with Mervyn at Nairobi GI  which always ended with a couple of glasses of beer!  The good old fun days! Betty/Trevor Pereira - Canada) T.J. Lobo’s Daughter : 

Hi, this is James Braganza. I just heard the sad news about Mervyn. May his soul rest in peace. I will always remember him as he was one of the few people who had a real sportsman's heart in the true sense. He was one of the guys who never showed me any indifference when I played for Baobab, not the M.I. This I will keep in my heart n may many men follow his example of being a true sportsman. I surely will.  (James Braganza - Canada)

 Absolutely Roseleen. It is like a bad dream and I pray God to give you the strength and courage to accept Mervyn's departure from you all with grace and humility and forge ahead with your life. It's what Mervyn would have wanted no doubt and I think what some Indian friends said to me some time ago - that we should not cry and grieve, as by doing so we're holding our loved ones back - is so true - we should let them go peacefully to a better place which God has prepared for them.  I truly believe those words helped me personally to let go of our own dearly loved ones we lost recently. I hope you can find it in your heart too to accept that Mervyn has gone to a much better place than this current stressful and painful world we all live in. He lived a good Christian life, God and Our Lady were with him in his last moments as only he will know and he went peacefully with them - what other bigger blessing than this could he have had Roseleen?  He did his best for all his family, and for others on earth and when the time had come for him to leave this world, having fulfilled God's will on earth with his good deeds, he went peacefully as we must all do someday, only God knows when. Continue to pray for his soul and to ask God for the grace to accept His will- He will be with you for all time. Courage and acceptance Roz.  (Ella/Henry Tavares)

 Truly Mervin was a great man, always attentive, very engaging, compassionate, and with an infectious smile and laugh. We had the privilege of meeting him at the airport when he was last here. We mourn with you for this good man we have known for so many years. We have not only lost a friend but a brother.  He is very fondly remember even though he was so far away.  (Dr. Majid Warshow - Cardiologist Nairobi)

Our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your dear brother Mervyn. I always respected him for being my best man at the last minute for the late Brenda's and my wedding.  Rest in Peace dear friend,  l will remember the good days in Mombasa, especially on the cricket field. Jos Menezes (GOA)

Hello Rosalind! Thinking of you at this most difficult time and expressing heartfelt condolences. Mervyn was a good friend to my dad ... and I greatly admired his presence on and off the sports field... May his soul Rest In Peace. I trust that you are keeping well.  Regards and Best Wishes always.  Patrick Martins and the Martins Family. (CANADA)

 Please accept my condolence on the loss of Mervyn. I am originally from Mombasa and knew Mervyn and Marina well. We both attended the Goan High School and I was three years ahead and finished school in 1953. Later I met Mervyn again in Nairobi at RTC. I was in Architecture and Mervyn as you are aware was in Engineering. We both played field hockey and were in the university team. Once we completed our courses we moved and never met again. I worked in London from 1961 to 1964, then returned to Nairobi and finally left for good for Toronto in 1967 where I tried to enjoy the cold winters dreaming of Mombasa. At least we have peace of mind and even though East Africa had an ideal climate, the political unrest was a concern that made us leave. Canada has been good to us, and many of our fellow students are scattered from Ontario to British Columbia and the USA. Earlier on we had a RTC website and were able to keep in touch. This has now been discontinued as our original numbers are gradually reducing. I  am not sure whether Mervyn was in contact with the group. There were several reunions and we had the largest one in Toronto. We are now at an age and leaving this earth for a better place. Many of our compatriots from the university have already gone ahead and will be welcoming Mervyn.  I  am sending you in a separate email our visit to Kisumu in which you will see Mervyn. And another one that will show lots of pictures of our university days, and in some of them you will see Mervyn.  I wish I could say something that would soften the loss, except that he is in a better place.  Romano Sequeira


Dear Rosalind, please accept our heartfelt sympathies on the passing away of your beloved brother Melvyn. We were shocked to hear the news. We did speak to Marina and she did mention what happened. We were very shocked to hear how he passed away. I always remembered Melvyn as a great sportsman, he always excelled in what sport he played. Once again please accept our sympathies and take care of yourself.  Anne & Anthony Braganza


Dear Roseleen, You are close to me in prayer as we mourn the loss of your brother Mervyn.  Please accept my heartfelt condolences. Mervyn will be remembered kindly for his warm and charming personality.  He equipped himself admirably to meet the challenges of a very demanding career with 3M and subsequently with Dow Chemicals, as well as for his sporting prowess.  He led a full life and walked this world with dignity.  May he now enjoy Eternal Bliss in Paradise, which he so richly deserves. “To live on in the hearts of those who love him is not to die.”   Remembrance is Love's enduring gift. My thoughts are with you and may God's love comfort the family.  The family and you are very much in my thoughts.  Zelia

Dear Rosaleen,  Romano Sequeira kindly forwarded the obituary card on Mervyn that you sent him to me. It must be all of 55 years since I came to know Mervyn and I really only knew him well for the one year that we were together at the RTC, Nairobi, before I proceeded to England to complete my B.A. degree. In that year, however, I came to know him very well. As President of the Students Union, I appreciated the many ways in which he contributed to student life in the College. To tell the truth, although I loved him as a friend, I was more than a little jealous of this first-year student who had everything - and I confessed that to him when I ran into him in later years when I was transferred to Mombasa and met him occasionally. He was handsome, had an easy grace and natural charm about him, was an excellent dancer, and excelled in several sports. He had the girls eating out of his hand and was one of the most popular students at the College. I was genuinely sorry that our paths did not cross much after that year at the RTC as I was sent to Nakuru after completing my studies in England.  As you are from Mombasa, you may remember my wife, Cybele Carvalho, the youngest daughter in the Carvalho family. We are now in our eighties and have lived for almost 50 years in Lethbridge (125 miles south of Calgary).  Cybele and I send our condolences to you and would be grateful if you conveyed the same to Mervyn's grieving family. We shall keep Mervyn and all of you in our thoughts and prayers. If Mervyn's funeral Mass is to be livestreamed, I would be grateful to have the details as I would like to remember him and pay my last respects to him by participating in the livestream Mass. May he rest in peace.  With deep sympathy,  Yours sincerely, Francis and Cybele

Dear Roseleen, Please accept our heartfelt sympathies on the passing of your beloved brother Mervyn. We were shocked to hear the news. We did speak to Marina and she mentioned what had happened. I will always remember Mervyn as a great sportsman. He excelled in whatever sport he played. Please take care of yourself. Tony Braganza.

Heard the sad news  Our sincere condolences Marina, Roseleen and Ray on the passing of your beloved brother MervynEternal rest grant unto Mervyn O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him and may his soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed through the Mercy of God rest in eternal peace amenMay the good Lord grant you all strength and courage during this time of sorrowWith our sympathy, Antonetta, Melvyn, Elaine, Kevin/Kristin, Julie and Lyndon.

Dearest Rosaleen, Marina and family and Ray - Deepest condolences on the loss of dear Mervyn. He will live on in the memories of the people who knew and loved him.  May his soul Rest In Peace. Patrick, Denise, Kristian & Samuel

Good afternoon Roseleen, I know what a great shock it is to you and your family. Yes I know Mervyn was a great person and all had special feelings for him. I do feel very sad for all of you but God wanted him in Heaven so took him. It will take very long for all of you to get over this very sad loss. Everyone's  prayers will keep Mervyn's soul in eternal peace and will give all of you strength and courage to carry on with your lives. Please let me know Mervyn's funeral day so I can hear Mass and offer it for his soul. Our thoughts and prayers are with Anna, you, Marina and Ray at this time of sorrow. God bless you all. Jennifer D’Souza Fly 

Dear Roseleen It is with much sorrow that I write to convey to you and all the family my  sympathy on the passing of your caring brother and I share in your sorrow.  My prayers for Mervyn, yes, I remember him well, a good-looking brother and if I remember well he had those special eyes.   What can we say now, we only pray for the strength to live with cherished memories.  Take Care Roseleen, and God Bless. Patty.


I am so sorry Rosleen. Our deepest condolences on the passing away of Mervyn. May God rest his soul in eternal peace and may God give you comfort at this time. Thalia Knight


Very Very sad news indeed. We offer our heartfelt condolences to you and the entire family. We pray that Mervyn rests in peace and pray Almighty God will give you the strength to bear this great loss. Amen. Zainab Moosajee.


May he rest in peace.  He remains in our memories.  I recall the time I got to spend with him and it was great. Mervyn was a wonderful man and will fondly be missed by many. Roseleen you are in our thoughts and prayers.   Be strong as we submit to God’s Will In sorrow

Dr. Aabid A. Ahmed - CEO. Bomu Hosp. Mombasa

I am so sorry may God rest his soul in peace .. God knew best.  I pray to God to give u the strength n courage to get through this very difficult time.  Shall offer a mass for his soul n you and your siblings' courage.  Our prayers are with u and your family..God is great.  May God rest his soul.... he's led a good life and made an impact on society  .  He's in God's hands now and at peace.  All we can do is pray for soul and for u to remember the good days with him.  Angela n Clinton Monteiro

Pole my friend....I know it will take a while to accept that your brother is gone..may God give you strength and peace....I can imagine  Mervyn looking down on you and saying "Come on sis, am in a better place, papa and mama are also happy and they say hello to you....wipe your tears and say AVE Maria.."Peace Rose  Faith n (Rtd.) Major Waweru.

Please accept our heartfelt sympathies on the demise of your dear brother Mervyn,  May his soul RIP and may you have the courage to bear the loss.Love from Goa and all of us. Jose Da Gama-Pais

Roseleen.We are sorry to receive the sad news of the demise of your beloved brother Merwyn this morning.  We realise the close sibling bond you shared and cherished with your late brother; and his demise leaves a vacuum in your life.  Please accept our heartfelt condolences, and also pass them on to all your families.   May his soul rest in eternal peace Amen  Take care and be strong. Merwyn's endeavours and happy memories live on ! Ivan. Desiree.Vince

Hi Roseleen So sorry to hear of Mervyn passing away. Our sincere condolences to you.

Diana and Olaf Lobo. UK

I am so sorry went to church to pray for him and just got back.  My deepest sympathies. May HIS SOUL REST IN ETERNAL.PEACE: I know I too cannot get over him gone. he was always very polite and kind when speaking to me. I told my sis and she too was quite upset. I will miss not talking to him. he was a very good person. May the Good Lord keep him in His Loving Arms.  I will miss him.  We must remember the Lord always takes the Good Ones and he is not suffering any more. you take care  n be  strong God Bless You Vincentina Masc 

May he rest in peace and may God give you, Marina n fly and Ray the strength and comfort to overcome!  Milena/Pio dSouza

So sorry Roseleen.  Please accept my sincere heartfelt sympathy. May dear Mervyn's soul rest in peace.  Convey my condolences to all the family.  Dr..Lorna dsouza

So sorry to hear about Mervyn's death. May he rest in eternal peace. And you take care of yourself please. Bridget/Agnelo Fernandes

Take heart. The journey is the same for us all. We believe the soul of the bereaved suffers to see his loved ones in mourning, while he is free from all worldly problems. It is recommended that you only offer prayers for the departed soul. May God forgive him for any shortcomings and grant his soul heavenly peace. Ameen! Masud Rana 

Dear Roseleen,  Very sad to hear that my schoolmate Mervyn is no longer with us. Please convey our sincere condolences to his wife Anna and family. We will offer a mass in his honour.  May his soul depart in the mercy of God, May he rest in peace  John Coutinho and family

Dear Roseleen,

Thank you very much for sharing with us your pain for your loss. We are with you and with the rest of your family.  Any loss is hard to accept, and even more so if unexpected, and we have no opportunity to be close to him and the other members of the family when this is happening. It happened with my mother too. However, we have the strength to primarily think about the person who passed away, more than about ourselves.   From your description, he passed away quickly and serenely, without knowing what was happening to him. Given the situation he was in, he was fortunate. It could have been much worst for him and everybody close to him.  Now he is in peace, and as a very good person in life, he will be in a nice place, and always in the the hearts of those who loved him.  People are never dead for as long as they are in our thoughts. .. We are with youA very big and warm hug from both of usKirsten and Alberto.

May his soul rest in peace. Roseleen please accept our heartfelt sympathies. You take care and look after yourself. Praise God he received his last rights.  Nicolette n Orlando Pereira

Hi Roseleen. We both liked Mervyn very much but God takes the best of us. I know it's hard, I also lost 2 lovely loving sisters whom I spent a lot of time with here in Mombasa. It was very hard but prayer has helped. We pray for you daily and you can be sure Merv is and will always pray for you. Tc & God bless  Michaela n Clay Nicholls

Dearest Roseleen Our deepest condolences on the passing of Mervyn.  Really prayed for his recovery but the Lord knew what was best for him. It's so painful to lose a loved one. May his soul rest in eternal peace and may perpetual light shine upon him.  Please pass our condolences to Anna& family, Marina, Ray and all their families.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.  May the Lord comfort you all in your time of sorrow.  He is in a better place now.   God bless you all.  Agnelo Jeanette and Joanne

Hi Roseleen, I just heard the sad news about your brother Mervyn passing away. I'm so sorry for your loss, I know it's so heart breaking and even more when you're so far away. You must try to be strong, you have many friends and family you can rely on during these difficult times. Take care  Neil Tavares .

Hello Aunty Roseleen. Mum has told us about your dear brother’s passing. I am so very sorry to hear this news. Please know that you are in our hearts. I hope you find solace and comfort in all the thoughts and blessings being sent to you. Natasha Tavares

Hi Aunty Roseleen, just wanted to pass my deepest condolences on the passing of your brother. May his soul rest in peace. Take care. Dwayne Fernandes.

Morning Aunty Rosaleen, Charlene here.  Our deepest condolences on the loss of your brother, May he rest in peace Charlene n Zahir Charania

Roseleen our heartfelt condolences on the demise of your brother.  Our prayers are with you May his soul rest in peace We are praying for you.  Jennifer n Gerson Colaco


So very sorry that Mervyn has passed on but he will be with all of you in spirit. He has gone to Jesus peacefully, freed of his pain and suffering.  I am praying you accept God's will with humility. Zita Abreu: 


Oh sorry to hear - please pass on our condolences to Roseleen and family from Lyndon Abreu and family


Dear Roseline. Please accept our sincere condolences. May God rest his soul in eternal peace. We are also praying that God gives you the strength. Ted and Esta


Dear Roseleen. Our condolences to you, Marina and family and Rachel. May God give you all the strength to accept his will and also give you all comfort and peace in your hearts as Mervyn is no longer suffering. We pray Almighty God grant's  Mervyn's soul eternal rest in his heavenly kingdom, Amen  It is extremely hard to lose a dear loved one. Our memories of them will live in our hearts and  bring us comfort when we think of them. Though we do not understand why they had to go, we have to trust that God's plan is the best. Grieve Mervyn's passing but also remember the good and happy times. He is no longer suffering or in pain but in our heavenly father's care With deepest sympathies, Sabina, Tyrell, Bhavini, Ryden and Tremayne 


My condolences to you and the entire family. May Mervyn's soul rest in eternal peace. James


My heartfelt condolences to you and the family on the loss of dear Mervyn...your brother and my friend. May Mervyn soul rest  in God's Peace. Clarence and Maura  Abranches


My condolences to you and your Family on your sad demise. May his soul rest in peace

Tayabali Hamza FFJ


He is in a better place called Heaven. Take care may God grant you all the strength and courage to overcome this trying time. Thomas Puthur Fly.


Dear Roselyn ... we understand your feelings as all of us go through such times of losing a family member.. It is too tough to say anything when a loved one departs. But there is One who you and I know... i.e. Our Saviour on whom we can rest, whose comfort and strength can change our grief into praising God for having such a loving and active brother and sustaining him and his family in His grace all these years. We all have to leave one day .... but we know where we are going ... our home in glory. Take care of your health and may you and your family experience the Lord's love, comfort and strength. Bharti


So sorry to hear about Mervyn's passing on.pls accept our heartfelt condolences n we pray that God will comfort you all strengthen you all during this difficult time  May his soul rest in peace it's painful to lose a loved one suddenly. Tc praying for you.  Sam Evelyn Johnson


Dear Roseleen, we are so saddened by the passing on of your Beloved brother Mervyn. Our Deepest Condolences to you and All your family at this very sad time  Our Lord wanted him more.  He is resting now.  Yes, it's been a shock and loss  as he was a very special brother, but cherish the lovely years shared and remember he loved you all, now he is with your parents. we hope that you too be strong  God bless you  Sylvia n Ahmed Warshow 


I am really sorry to hear that.  May God rest his soul in eternal peace.  I totally understand. it's a loss that can not be expressed. I feel for you and pray that God the almighty grant you all patience in this hour of grief.  He was a good man indeed, God loved him more. Much much regret to your family,  my condolences.  Big hug from me. May God rest his soul in peace And may God grace patience and strength during this trying moment. Rizwana


May his soul Rest In Eternal Peace and you and your family have strength and keep you all in Good health F. Marshed


 Pole sana Roseleen. My prayers and thoughts are with you and family.  So sorry Roseleen. My heartfelt condolences to you and the family. RIP Mervyn. John Braganza (Ex Un)


May his soul rest in eternal peace. Praying for you and the entire famly during this difficult time. Sr. Ann Margaret


Oh! My God!   So sorry to hear of this great loss for your whole family. May His Soul Rest In Peace.: For whatever little time we got to spend with Mervyn, it was always pleasant and enjoyable. He was a very friendly and pleasing personality. We will always cherish the times we had together. God bless his soul and may he rest in eternal peace. May God be with you all in this most trying time of your life. Capt. S. Singh n fly


Oh no - this can't be. Sorry,   I've seen the message now.  Sorry dear for losing Mervyn in this way it must be very hard for you all. God alone is able to comfort you during this time. 

Hansa Chudasama

Hello Roseleen I was shocked and sad to hear of Mervyn's passing. I remember him as a great sportsman and a considerate, well respected gentleman. My thoughts and prayers are with you and his family. I do not have Marina's email address but please convey my deepest sympathies to her and indeed to the whole family God BlessAlban Rattos - Sydney, Australia

Dear Roseleen, I remember your brother and our sincere condolences on his passing.

Athaide family

Dear Marina & Roseleen: Novarro joins me in sending you our deepest sympathy on the loss of your dear brother, Mervyn. I (Sybil) remember your fly. as I grew-up in Entebbe. My memory of Meryn....very handsome'.  Roseleen.your email message to Romano is being shared with all the ex-University of Nairobi Alumnus'.  . Novarro & our thoughts and prayers with u during this difficult time. May Mervyn's soul rest in peace. Love & God Bless. Sybil & Novarro


I am so sorry for your loss. We will pray for the repose of his soul as well as for you as you grieve his loss.God bless you!.John-Paul & Annie  Deddens - USA


Hi Roseleen,  So sorry to hear about Mervyn.  Thinking of you during this difficult time.   Hope you are doing okay.Erica Strom (USA)


Rosaleen, yes, Mervyn was well loved & will be missed by many.  Please rest assured that our prayers are with you at this difficult time. Stay strong, it will take a while, but ponder on the great times you all had. Be safe, Ed & Isabel


Roseleen, On behalf of Gavin, Charmaine and my families, our heartfelt condolences to you, your sisters and all your families on the passing of Mervyn. Coralie, Johnny and Trevyn 


Can understand how you feel.  Time will heal the pain and sorrow.  Focus on the nice times you spent with him.  God bless all of you.Milas (ex. Carvalho)


Dear Roseleen, Marina and family, Just received this sad news and offer on sincere condolences. We knew Mervyn well while in Entebbe and then Nairobi and he was very popular and well liked by all who got to meet and know him.  We pray that the Good Lord will grant his soul eternal rest and peace and give all his family the courage and strength to bear his loss. IN  deep sympathy.   Edna and Al. Mathais.


Dear Roseleen and family,  Please accept our sincere condolences on the passing away of your dear brother, Mervyn. May His Soul Rest in Peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this time of sorrow. With deepest sympathy,

Wenda DaCunha and family


Dear Roseleen  We are so very sorry to hear about Mervyn.  Please accept our sincere condolences at this very sad time. With our thought and prayers God Bless 

Cynthia WARD UK


Such a shock hearing about Melvyn's death today.

God bless him for the wonderful person he was, and give his family the strength they need. God bless you and stay happy in his me,pries.

Gloria and Jean


Dear Roseleen,  Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your brother.  May his soul rest in peace.Kindly pass on our condolences to all members of your family.
Apolon & Vivian Lobo USA


Dearest Roseleen. 

Words however kind will not mend the heartache you are going through right now but those of us who care share your great loss and wish you and your family all the comfort and peace. May Mervyn be embraced warmly by Jesus.  Eternal rest grant unto Mervyn. May God grant you all comfort and strength. Yours in sorrow,

Toots Tasha Heath and Nadya, Costa Bir


My deepest condolences for the loss of your dearest. brother. May he rest in peace and may peace be with you. Amen. Pole Sana Roseleen. 

Matron Rumman


Dear Rosalyn and family..Heard the sad news of your beloved brother's demise. Please accept our deepest condolences as we pray for the departed soul.

May the Almighty give you the strength to bear this loss and make it easy for all of you.  With deepest sympathies Haseena & Family


Thank you for letting me know about Mervyn. Sad news. We did have some contact with Mervyn and Anna when they first settled in. UK, but have drifted apart since then and have had no contact in recent times. It was on a business trip with Mervyn and Anna that Mary and I first. met. I will always think of them as being a major link in my life that led to new and lasting happiness.   Derek Evans. ..


Oh.sad. u have our heartfelt condolences for his untimely death n may Almighty bless his soul in peace n heaven. Condolences to yr entire family especially his wife

Zainab n fly TZ 


Our sincere condolences to Roselyn on Mervyn's passing away. May his soul rest in everlasting peace. Albert and Celia Diniz


My deepest condolences to you and your sister.  I know how close you were to him. In fact I went to church today and prayed for him. May his soul rest in eternal peace.  Mervyn was a true gentleman and loved by all.  Maybe God wanted him more and took him to a better place. May his soul rest in eternal peace.  Time will heal your pain, my loving sister.

Tony Fernandes.


 I keep you in prayers Roseleen. The Lord has taken Mervyn at His time. May our good Lord grant Mervyn eternal rest, and grant you all His divine comfort.  God rest Mervyn in perfect peace. Fr. Robert Omondi.


Our deepest sympathy to you n Mervyn family, Marina n Rachel. Praying you receive comfort from God at this time . Hansa Chudasma........


Our heartfelt condolences to the family.GOD give you All strength to bear the great Loss.

May his soul RIP. Deepak Fly


Dear Roselyn,  please accept our heartfelt condolences on the passing of Mervyn. Our prayers are with you and loved ones. May the Lord give you all peace and comfort.....Venu and Raji


So sorry to hear this sad news.  May his soul rest in eternal peace.  Our condolences to u, his wife n rest of the family  Jane n Felix Goa


Very very sorry to hear this sad news.  May Mervyn rest in peace. The Lord is merciful ! He knows what was best. Mervyn is at rest in the Lord,s arms free from suffering n pain. RIP.   Maureen n Alvito Rego


Oh! No. Believe me , Soon after receiving  your  on line  msg  yesterday pertaining  to your brother Mervyn 's confinement  to ICU, our family  members  held joint congregation  & seriously  started praying for his quick revovery but to no avail.Just learnt he  passed away  peacefully May he Rest in. Peace. Sickness & even death  knows no boundary. It proclaims  &  strikes when least expected. You did your best. Tk care. May God bless you all, AMEEN.  Justice Jaffer Jagani..


Good morning Rozlin.   Very disturbed & shocked to read of MERVYN’s sad & shocking demise.   Also Vinoo was shocked.   Such a refine, smart & discipline man.    Anyway when the time comes it is not in our hands.   We just pray that his beautiful soul rest in in eternal peace & Almighty gives you & family comfort.    We are with you in your prayers.    Zehra & Vinoo


Sorry Roseleen to learn the passing on of your brother Mervyn. Please accept and convey to your family my and Sakar’s heartfelt condolences in your sad bereavement. Our prayers to God - Almighty is that may the departed soul rest in eternal peace and He gives you the strength to bear the loss. Amen Abbas n Sakar  Nasser


 May his soul rest in eternal peace. Pole sana.: It's sad to lose him, may God strengthen you and the entire family.  Be assured of my prayers at this difficult moment. FR. ARMOGAST HGC


Dear Rosalind, our heart-felt condolences.  Very sorry to hear that Mervyn has passed away. May he rest in peace.  May Our Lord give you and all other affected family members the strength to bear this grief. You are in our prayers. Anu and Lazar


Our heartfelt condolences and prayers for the family. Phillip n Hannah R.


Please accept our sincere and heartfelt condolences.  Sorry for your loss but it was God's will and he only will give you and family courage to accept thus loss and heal thru his grace. May his soul R.I.P Amen.

Phyll n Frank  Fernandes.


Dear Roseleen i am too very shocked to hear about Mervyn. Just two weeks back we were talking about his phone. I cant believe it but God has His plans. Sabrina says sorry too. He will remain in our hearts. Please do convey my condolences to the family and May God grant him Eternal rest. Farhad Luhar


oh no Roseleen.  Receive my deepest and sincerest condolences.may your brother rest in eternal peace . May God's unwavering strength and heavenly comfort envelope you and your entire family during this difficult period. Cynthia


 Dear Roseleen.  Polee sana. Pray the departed soul is granted the heavens by Almighty God. And pray He gives the family and loved ones courage to withstand the loss at this most difficult time. Ameen. Abdulhamid Aboo


Sorry to hear to about the sudden demise. Praying for comfort and strength  to all dear family and friends Valsaama Thankachan PUNE


 So sad.   I join you in your bereavement and I pray your brother Mervyn finds eternal peace and tranquility in the Lord. Capt.Tony Manaly


Please accept our deepest and most sincere condolences Roseleen. May Mervyn’s soul rest in peace. Clyde Castelino


This is sad news. May Mervyn's soul rest in eternal peace and may Perpetual light shine upon him.  Our sincere condolences for your loss. May God give you the strength and comfort in this sad time.

Alex Fernandes


Condolences ..Deena Channiyara


My deepest Condolences to you and the family!  I'm so sorry to hear the sad news abt your brother passing !  My prayers lifted for you!  stay strong. may your brother Mervyn soul rest in peace - safe in the arms of Jesus. Marina CRUZET.  USA


Pole sana madam Roseleen may our loving God give you the power to go through it all with acceptance. Nick O.


Dear Madam Roselyn, heard the loss of your dear brother Mervyn. My heartfelt Condolences to you and your greving family. May his Soul Rest in Peace Keeping him in my prayers. Stanley Mendes.


We are so sorry Ros. Remembered him in our prayers and will continue to do so daily. May his soul rest in eternal peace. God give you strength to bear this grief.  Pls convey our condolences to.all his family.

Luda n Alvito Abreu


Sorry to hear the sad news..please accept our heartfelt condolences .May his soul rest in eternal peace. Radiya Karachiwalla.


My sincere condolences Roselyn. May the Almighty be with you all in this time of grief. And rest Mervyn's soul in eternal peace. Dr. Asif Admani


Our sincerest condolences, may his soul rest in peace. Dr.M.Chudasama


I am very sorry to hear this sad news May Mervyn's soul rest in peace Please take courage dear Roseleen.  God knows what's best. your brother is not suffering any more! Please accept our deepest condolences. Suchette Lobo


So sorry to hear of Mervyn's passing.May His Soul Rest In Peace.Our sympathy to you and the family.God.  It's hard to come to terms when you lose a loved one. Mervyn was your only brother. Meldrita Viegas 


Thank you for sharing this. Our prayers for you and your family. May the peace of God be with you all. Buata V. FBC


Right now he is with our Lord Jesus Christ and one day we are going to meet him in heaven.  Sam K. FBC


So sad. May our Good Lord give you and entire family comfort and strength during this difficult moment. May the departed soul of Mervyn rest in eternal peace. Leopold Mwadime


So sorry Roseleen.  May he rest in peace.  Poleni sana. So sorry. I can imagine the shock. He is now in a good place, no more pain. He will still continue taking care of you all in another way. Much closer than you can imagine.  SR. Gertrude Malya

My condolences . My prayers for you and your family, may God give you strength and courage. May his soul rest in peace . Shivani 


I'm so sorry dear. Sending you lots of hugs. May God comfort you and give you strength during this difficult time. I'm so sorry dear. There are simply no words to make it easier. May God continue to strengthen you as you mourn. Lots of love. Monica M.


May his soul rest in peace.  It is well....please take heart. Pauline H. 


Very sorry to hear that your brother passed away. My condolences to you and your entire family. May his soul rest in peace. Aslam Kasmani -


May his light shine forever in your hearts as long as you live. He will never be forgotten.In loving memory of your dear departed brother. May the Lord rest his soul in eternal peace. Paul  Ofwona.


Deepest sympathies just heard about Mervyn's passing much love. Melba Faria


May Mother Mary comfort you all, dear one. We prayed for his recovery, but God loved him more and gave him rest.  Mourn dear one, but keep in mind you have an angel watching over you in heaven together with the rest of the family. Take heart dear one. M.Mwikali


Roseleen, I can imagine the shock and heartache on hearing the news of Mervyn's passing. When I heard the news I remembered the many times we met in Mombasa whenever he came down from Nairobi. Always friendly and happy. He is now in a better place and I have no doubt he will be watching over you all. May the Lord grant Mervyn eternal rest.

Xavier Lynn Remedios


I do understand. May God give you his peace, to the entire family. I am standing with you in prayers as you grieve for the loss. Ruchir 


My deepest sympathy Roseleen I cannot imagine your pain,as you had a close bond. May his soul rest in peace. Hope your sister made it in time..

Thinking of you at this very sad timeMay his soul R.I.P. Sandra Mayhew 


I am so sorry. I know how it feels to loose a close relative. May the Lord comfort you and your family. You are in my prayers. Nancy N.


Roseleen, please accept our heartfelt condolences on your brother Mervyn's passing. May his soul rest in eternal peace.May God grant you all solace and strength at this time. Tess Kasmani


Dear Roseleen, Our deepest condolences on the passing on of Mervyn. His soul is at peace in the Home of our Lord. May the Lord give you and your family and his friends strength during this sad time. He and you are in our prayers. Johnny, Diane Rooke fly


Roseleen,  Nevett and I send you our deepest and heartfelt condolences on the sad loss of your beloved brother Mervyn. Times like these are hard and we pray that our dear Lord will help you understand and accept this great loss. May he RIP....Maureen & Nevett.


My sincere condolences to all of you. Pray for Mervyn soul to find peace and strength to all of you to bear his loss with fortitude.  It is very very difficult to accept the loss of a loved one. Time makes it easier. Pray for comfort to you and family. Tejal James Rattos


So sorry for your loss.  May he rest in eternal peace and may Almighty give you patience. Yahya


My deep condolences with you and family. May the Almighty rest his soul in peace and grant you all the strength  to bear  this loss. Duraiya


May God give you the strength to cope during this difficult time.

Desmond Pereira.


Our most sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your dear brother Mervyn. Ernie Giselle and fly


Rosleen. We have just recd news from Rachel and are so sorry to hear of Mervyn's passing.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you now as always.  I remember him playing hockey for the GI. He was very good player. Please accept our condolences and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayerNoel & Gemma - Australia


 I am so sorry to hear of Mervyn’s passing.  I did not know he was sick.  Our deepest sympathies and may Mervyn’s soul Rest In Peace.  God give you strength to bear this irreplaceable loss.  Lots of hugs! Vivienne Fonseca


Very sorry to hear about Mervyn. May his soul Rest In Peace. M.Vyas

My heartfelt condolences to you and the family. May he rest in peace.Have courage and pray his soul rests in peace. Namrata Makwana


Roseleen,  Mum just gave me the sad news. So sorry for your loss. May Mervyn rest in eternal peace Amen.  Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Thyra fly. Australia.


Condolences for the demise of brother  Mervyn. May  Allah  rest his soul in  eternal peace and give the family  courage  and  fortitude to  bear the  loss. Sorry  , Roseleen  to  hear  the  news. Loss of  family  member  is hard  to  accept. Allah keep  you  strong - Nabat Jamal


So sorry to hear the sad news. May he rest in Eternal Peace.  Ameen. Pls accept our heartfelt condolences. Jamila Nurdin Rajabali


Sending you lots of love, warmth and hugs always. You all continue to be wonderful family friends who truly mean the world to ours. With you in your grief. Candice Thomas


Deepest condolences to you and Ray. Rest In Peace Mervyn. I remember your brother as being one handsome guy.  May Merwyn Rest In Peace. Janice 


I was very sorry to hear about your brother Mervyn. May his soul rest in eternal peace. Will keep him and family  in our prayers. Suneeta King...


Am so sorry Roseleen may God comfort you and yr family.  May his soul rest in Peace.  know that your brother is free from pain and is in heaven.  You have yr guardian angel. Max Nancy Noronha


Hi dear,  we're praying for God's comfort and grace. Let us continue trusting God. We thank God for all the time  Mervyn was with us.  It is well....Divya Munir


 I am so sorry. May his soul rest in Peace. Amen.  May our good Lord give you the strength to bear this sad news Remembered Mervyn at Mass this morning. Charlotte Alibhai


I knew Mervyn from 1969 .  He was always a very friendly and cheerful person. God bless his soul Amen!   Alihusein Namajee


Hopefully you're slowly coming to terms with Mervyn's loss.  It's a difficult time when you lose a loved one.  Take care.  Love and prayers from all of us. Shameem Noorani


Please accept my sincere condolences for the passing away of your brother Mervyn. May his soul rest in peace. 

Hauran Warshow


Dear Roslyn - deeply saddened to learn of Mervyn's demise. May the Lord grant him eternal peace & bless you with fortitude to cope with your grief. With sympathy. Jeff Rashida Desiree Kyle Katherine & Chrystal.


Good evening Roseleen  I am so sorry to hear about Mervyn. Condolences to you and the rest of the family. May he Rest In Peace ...AVRIL 


Condolences to you and the family. May Mervyn’s soul rest In eternal Peace. Noel Dsouza ... USA


My dear Roseleen,   I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your dear brother and our long time friend Mervin.  It's been years since I last saw Mervin, actually when he left Entebbe, but very vividly can picture him as a young very handsome guy with hazel eyes.  I remember when we used to have games/competitions at the EGI and he was so easy to get along with.  It is very hard to lose a loved one and my heart is with you, Marina and Rachel and Mervin's family.  Just today Vera D'souza (Neves) sister told about Mervin.I will phone Eulalia and Marcus tomorrow and pass on the news.  I pray that God gives you all the strength and courage to pull through this sad time.  You take my dear and God bless you all..  May his soul rest in peace.  Rose Rodrigues 


My dear friend..Today it is 2 weeks since your loving brother went to heaven...It's a day you will never forget and all of us your friends won't forget it either because we all loved Mervyn.  Of course the one thing that hurts the most in these cases is... There are no goodbyeHe is taken away and there is no even time to say goodbye.. And it was even more difficult for you as he was so so far away in England and you here.  You have to be strong my dear friend for his sake.  You are so beautifully close and happy and we want him to feel happy in heaven.  We wish he could be back here and you will never stop wishing that but you know that can never be.. so now we pray for the repose of his soul so the dear boy may rest in peace..  You take care and we continue to pray for him.  Maria Mariani


Good morning Roseleen. My deepest condolences for your loss. May God give you strength at this difficult time. Take care. Asia Abdalla.

Dear Roseleen, our sincere heartfelt condolences to you on the demise of your dearest brother Mervyn. Our thoughts & prayers are with you at this trying time.May the Almighty Lord rest his soul in eternal peace. Derek and Hazel.

Deepest sympathies n condolences on sad passing away of Mervyn.  Take heart. Paulina Castanha 


  1. My condolences to the Family. May his soul rest in eternal peace and may his memory be a blessing.

  2. Sincere condolences Roselyn and family. May the Almighty be with you


RIEP Carlito Mascarenhas

    CARLOS (CARLITO) MASCARENHAS   MAY 24, 1937 - JULY 16, 2024 Carlito pictured between the two Sikhs at the top It is with a sad heart and...