Thursday, February 15, 2024

Things you may not have known about flamingoes

 Magic of the Flamingo

Bolivian Flamingoes

Lake Nakuru Flamingos

1. Flamingos get their colour from their food!

Have you ever heard the saying you are what you eat? Well, Flamingos truly are what they eat. Many plants produce normal red, yellow, or orange shades, called carotenoids. Carotenoids give carrots their orange tone or turn ripe tomatoes red. They are additionally found in the green growth that saltwater shrimp eat. As Flamingo eats on green growth and saline solution shrimp, its body utilizes the shades, turning its quills pink.

2.Flamingo nests are made of mud.

A Flamingo’s home resembles a small mud well of lava, with enough space for one enormous egg. Flamingos are monogamous, and their parents are cooperative individuals. Both assist in constructing the nest and brooding the egg. Flamingo chicks take some time to obtain the characteristic pink tone and snare moulded bills of the adults.

3.Flamingos are filter feeders.

The term channel feeder might invoke pictures of baleen whales or shellfish reefs, yet Flamingos are channel feeders as well. They eat green growth, little seeds, minuscule scavengers (like saline solution shrimp), fly hatchlings, and different plants and creatures that live in shallow waters. At the point when it’s an ideal opportunity to eat, a Flamingo
will put its head topsy turvy in the water with its bill pointed at its feet. Then, it shakes its head from side to side and uses its tongue like a straw. Brush-like plates along the edge of the bill make a channel for water to surge out while catching food inside.

4.Flamingos can sleep standing on one leg!

Flamingos can remain on one foot for significant stretches of time, even long enough to nod off. Yet, for what reason do they do this? Research has shown that Flamingos utilize more muscle power when standing on two legs, so remaining on one leg might be less tiring. Researchers likewise accept that a one-legged position might assist Flamingos with remaining warm. Birds lose body heat through their appendages. By remaining on one leg and tucking the other under their paunch, Flamingos can reduce the heat that dissipates from their feet.

5. Flamingos can fly!

You might be accustomed to seeing Flamingos accumulated in huge gatherings on the ground; however, they can take off into the air. Flamingos use their flying abilities during migration to travel south during the winter. This species generally migrates at night.

6.Flamingos feed their children food that they produce themselves!

A Flamingo’s “milk” is produced in its harvest (a portion of its throat) and afterwards they raise it up through their mouth. It might sound disgusting, but a Flamingo’s harvest milk is full of proteins and fats that their young need. The two parents can deliver crop milk to nourish Flamingo chicks until they are mature enough to forage for themselves.

7.Flamingos can live in extreme environments!

Flamingos are normally found in shallow saltwater or salty waters (where saltwater and freshwater blend). Yet, some Flamingo species breed and raise their young in incredibly pungent waterways, called antacid or “pop” lakes. The high percentage of carbonate salts in these lakes is so destructive that it can severely damage, or burn skin, making the water appalling for most creatures.

Scientists are revealing the unexplained parts of the physiology of Flamingos that allow them to survive in such unforgiving acidic waters. The high salt content can still be destructive for some Flamingo chicks assuming salt rings develop on their legs, making it extremely difficult for them to walk.

8.A Flamingo's knees don’t actually bend backwards!

Flamingo legs twist very much like human legs. The way that human knees resemble Flamingo’s knees are in the lower leg joint. A Flamingo’s knees are found higher up the leg, concealed by their body and quills. Consider a Flamingo remaining stealthily. At the point when the leg twists, it’s the lower leg you see pivoting.

9.A group of Flamingos is called a flamboyance!

A group of Crows is called a murder, and a group of Geese is called a gaggle. So, what is a group of Flamingos called? A flamboyance!

10.There are 6 different species of Flamingos!

There are Caribbean Flamingos, James’ (or Puna), Chilean, and Andean Flamingos. Some other Flamingo species are found in certain areas of Africa, Asia, and Europe

INFO courtesy of Bird Watching Academy

1 comment:

RIEP Carlito Mascarenhas

    CARLOS (CARLITO) MASCARENHAS   MAY 24, 1937 - JULY 16, 2024 Carlito pictured between the two Sikhs at the top It is with a sad heart and...