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Showing posts from March, 2024

Welcome to Yesterday's curry: a Goan favourite

 Welcome to Yesterday's Curry! By Emma Ryan

Thinking of yesterdays Easters in Kenya

  Hope the rains do not affect the rally!  The WRC 2024 is scheduled to take place from March 28 to 31 in  Naivasha . The Safari Rally Kenya is renowned for its challenging terrain and demanding conditions. The untamed terrain offers drivers the ultimate test of endurance, including mud, rocks, fesh-fesh sand and challenging water crossings.

The wonderful Bill Woodley

  THE WONDERFUL BILL WOODLEY RIP 1929-1995 I WAS still in my teens when I first met Bill Woodley in Tsavo East. I had come to the park for a couple of days rest from work. I took an instant liking to him and he became my own very special game specialist he would also give me a heads-up on any stories in the Tsavo area. We met every time he came to Nairobi. He was a can-do kind of guy and nothing was too much or too difficult for Woodley. THIS can-do attitude came in handy one afternoon in September 1970 near Mount Kenya. For three days Gert Judamaier and his friend Oswald Olz had been holding to dear life on a ledge on Mount Kenya. We would learn in the following days that Gurd had broken his leg. There we were on the third day and no one had any idea whether the two were alive or not. Around two or three I was chatting with Bill and I told him about Gurd’s almost impossible situation. I told him that no one knew whether the two men were still alive or dead. “No problem,” Bill ...

Dame Daphne Sheldrick The early History of Kenya's National Parks

  The Early History Of Kenya’s National Parks By Dame Daphne Sheldrick ( News   Wilderness Journal )     Over 60 years ago Kenya’s first generation of pioneer wardens, Bill Woodley, Peter Jenkins and David Sheldrick, travelled the main Nairobi-Mombasa road to Mtito Andei, then just a dusty dirt road, to begin the daunting task of transforming untouched and largely unexplored and inhospitable arid semi-desert wasteland into the famous National Park that Tsavo is today.   It was in those times an unattractive tangle of dense thicket, which was home to thousands of black rhinos, un-friendly elephants, which had suffered years of hunting and poaching by humans, and lions that had always had man-eating tendencies, whilst the buffalo were extremely dangerous when encountered at close quarters.  Added to this Tsavo was home to a multitude of poisonous snakes, scorpions and other stinging insects, bird-eating spiders that leapt up at one if distu...