Saturday, March 9, 2024


Kenya 1956 Melbourne Olympics Hockey squad

 (The very first Olympic pioneers) Gursaran Singh Sehmi, Reynold D’Souza, Michael Pereira, Tejprakash Singh Brar, Alu Mendonca, Jonginder Singh Dhillon, Tejinder Singh Rao, Anthony Vaz, Balbir Singh Sidhu, William Penderleith, Hardev Singh Khular, Surjeet Singh Deol (captain), Bill Body (manager) Mahan Singh (coach), Rosario Delgado, Dudley Coulson, Avtar Singh Deol, Ron Frank.

Bertha Fernandes, Melita Caido, Alvira D'Sa,  Flora George,Nifa and Trifa D'Souza, Peter Barbosa, Michael Fernandes, Edna Fernandes, 
Marjorie Pinto, Alba Fernandes, Christine Pereira,

The years might have dulled the image a little bit, or robbed him of his youth just a smidgin, but Avtar Singh Sohal (always Tari to everyone who knew him) will remain one of the most unforgettable hockey stars of our time in Kenya, a country he continues to love to this day (when he could have been welcomed anywhere in the world). Not just a great human being but also one of most unforgettable hockey captains of all time. Stay safe rafiki.

Tari pictured at 80 years old, in March 2024 he celebrated his 86th birthday!

Johnny Lobo is truly one of the great sports all-rounders but cricket and soccer were his favourites pictured here with his wife Maura!

Standing: Ellen Ahluwalia, Nifa D’Sousa, Alvira D’Sa, Edna Monteiro, Flora George
Sitting: Bertha Fernandes, Peter Babs, Mavis Pinto
On the Floor: Trifa D’Sousa, Alba Mendonca, Christine Pereira

The Dr Ribeiro Goan School set in motion a sports revolution that captured the hearts and minds of the Goans in Eastern Africa and wherever they were known. They were the true pioneers. TOP ROW L-R : Dunstan Rodrigues. Emilanio Joanes, Francis Gracias, Renato Monteiro, Austrio Coutinho. MIDDLE ROW L R : Bruno Castelinho, Anthony Vaz, Marcus Pereira, Mr.Anthony D’Souza  (Coach) Thomas Fernandes, Oliphant D’Souza, Herman Gonsalves, GROUND : Silu Fernandes, Roy Caiaddo, Raul Martyres.


1951-52 Asians v Europeans: standing: N U Diwan (umpire) Kul Bhushan, Peshavaria, A Raoop, Johnny Lobo, Om Kumar, Chaggan, EJ Cohen (umpire). Seated: Gaffoor, Chandrakant, Ramanbhai (captain) Harbanslal, D'Cunha

Johnny Lobo and Blaise D'Cunha (late, pictured) were arguably two of the greatest Goan cricketers of our time!

Early Olympians: Egbert Fernandes, Saude George, Hilary Fernandes, Alu Mendonca, Silu Fernandes!

A very rare hockey photo: 1954 Romeo Hockey Shield winners, GI Nairobi.

Manuel Castellino, Renato Monteiro, Santos D'Souza, Ernest Monteiro, Reggie Monteiro, Bernard Mendonca...
Cajetan Fernandes, Paul Fernandes, Jerry Zuzarte, Michael Fernandes, Simon Pinto...
Sidney Rodrigues 

1964 Uganda Goan team, winners of the final intercommunal pentangular cricket
Standing left to right —  Francis Dantas, Claude De Souza, Felix de Mello snr, John De Mello: sitting. Charlie De Souza, Felix DeMello jnr, Celly Dias ( mgr ), Lawrence Fernandes, Peter De Souza  On the floor —. Marcus De Mello, Lawrence Dias. (Missing some names, sorry)

BELOW: Two of my favourite country cousins (Velsao Goa), Tony Fernandes on the left and his brother the late Ayres Fernandes, a prolific billiards and snooker champion, both devoted members of the Nairobi Goan Institute.


The late Ayres Fernandes, a much-loved and admired champion!

It is in fact Bertha Fernandes and not Mitelia in the top photo!


with thanks to John Noronha!

Alex Fernandes, one of the greats of Goan soccer, at a training session with Nairobi Spurs.

A treasured Dr Ribeiro Goan School photograph.
The late Harold George D'Souza (extreme middle right) school captain with the winning Mombasa team.

The team that toured Tanzania in 1968 included players from Crusaders, Nairobi Heroes and Young Goans of Nairobi: Back row: Alex Fernandes, John (Bull) D'Souza, Manu Fernandes, Menino Fernandes, Hippol Fernandes, Joseph D'Sa, Leo Fernandes. Front row: Andrew Fernandes, John D'Costa, Greg Carvalho, Tony Gomes, Jack Carvalho.

RGI ladies hockey: From left to right Elsie Fernandes, Teresa Mendonca, Olga Demello, Margaret Braganza, Fabiola Machado, Rufina Fernandes, Melania Delima, Netty Carvalho, Mina Noronha, Nora Braganza, Sircula Noronha, (Goalie) A. Almeida.


Kenya Hockey team! Rome, I think! Silu Fernandes, Alu Mendonca, Egbert Fernandes, Edgar Fernandes, Hilary Fernandes, Anthony Vaz.

Ivy Monteiro (manager) Theresa Mendonca, Mitelia Fernandes with the Kenya team!
RGI pioneers, sorry about the names!

Another unforgettable RGI pioneers' photograph!
Early graduates and teachers from the St Teresa's Boys' School.

From left: Anthony Miranda, Aloysius Fernandes, Albert Diniz, Hippol Fernandes, Filu (Mazor) Rodrigues ... on the ground John Lopes, Alex Fernandes, Ladis Rattos, Peter Pinto and one or two names I was not able to get.

No idea who these very special gentlemen are!!!

Nairobi Goan Institute 1961 winners of the N R de Souza Gold Cup Standing: Raul Monteiro, Dunstan Rodrigues, Osborne D'Souza, Ivo Colaco, Oliphant D'Souza, Oscar D'Souza, David Carasco. Seated: Ossie D'Souza, Edgar Fernandes, Renato Monteiro, Anthony Vaz, Egbert Fernandes: On the floor Remmy and Crescent Fernandes.


1957 Goan Institute Kampala played the Sikh Union in the final in a goalless draw after two extra time sessions. KGI won the replay 2-0 (Rennie Rodrigues, Polly Pereira in extra time.

KGI: Felix Britto, Jose Pereira, Polly Pereira, Charlie De Souza, Chris Pereira, Rennie Rodrigues. Victor Pereira, Wally Lobo, Rolland Colaco, Joe Lobo, Aloysius Mathias (captain).

Angela Pereira with the Tanga women's hockey team: sadly never got their names!!!
One of the great sporting icons of Kenya: Johnny Lobo with a winning RGI team. Lobo also wrote his own history in cricket.
Some of the Goan players (including Nancy Agard) in the East African team: Theresa Mendonca standing second left  Mitelia Fernandes second from right, Harjeet Sandhu first left seating, Bertha Fernandes middle row, Ella Gomes and Daphne Francis sitting.\

Norman da Costa, Silvano Gomes, Pascoal Denis, Sunil Sarkar, Tony Reg D'souza, (?) Tit Gomes, Arthur Braganza, Alu Mendonca, Darryl Carvalho  Piety Fernandes, Bart Noronha, Charlie Ferrao.

The 1968 Mexico Olympics Kenya hockey squad: at City Park Hockey Stadium, Nairobi. Standing (L-R): Kirpal Singh Bhardwaj (deceased) Harvinder Singh Marwa (lives in London); Reynold Pereira (deceased); Egbert Fernandes (deceased) ; Jagmel Singh Rooprai (lives in London); Jagjit Singh Kular (deceased) ; Davinder Singh Deegan (lives in London); Leo Fernandes (lives in Toronto) ; Santokh Singh Matharu (deceased); Ezra Ayodo (?); Ajmal Malik (lives in Pakistan); Sitting (L-R): Amarjeet Singh Marwa (lives in London) ; Surjeet Singh Panesar (lives in Nairobi); Hilary Fernandes (lives in Toronto); Silu Fernandes (captain) (lives in Toronto); Paul Boit (Manager); Hardial Singh Kular (Coach) (deceased); Avtar Singh Sohal (injured but went to Mexico, lives in Nairobi); Alu Mendonca (deceased); Jack Simonian (lives in the UK).

The pioneering Spartans Athletics Club of Nairobi: Some names: Muren D'Souza, Renold D'souza, Alu Mendonca, Eddie Rodrigues, Crescent Fernandes, Philip D'Souza, Mr Anthony D'Souza, Casmiro Joannes.
RAILWAY GOAN INSTITUTE GOLD CUP WINNERS: Sorry, memory fault, missing some of the names: Hilary Fernandes, Silu Fernandes, Henry Braganza Reynold D'Souza,  Alu Mendonca, Mr Anthony D'Souza, Oscar D'Souza, Saude George.

The famous Achilles Athletics Club formed in Mombasa is seen in this photograph with some of the many trophies its brilliant members won. Standing from left to right: Albert Castanha, Pascoal Antao, Laura Ramos, Ray Batchelor (coach) Phila Fernandes, Juanita Noronha, Alfred Vianna, Seraphino Antao. Front row: Joe Faria, Alcino Rodrigues, Jack Fernandes, Bruno D'Souza.

Mombasa Baobab hockey Gold Cup winning team. Standing (L - R) Ifthikar Malik / Robert Minnis / James Kraft / Omprakash Rattan / Mwini Boko / Agnelo De Souza (SANA) / Albert Diniz / James Braganza / Joab Odindo / Tony D'Silva / Reynolds Pereira / Joash Olum - Ground (L - R) Victor Mwapaga / Tony Castannah / Said Digeil / Raphael Fernandes / Harish Asodia / Randiek Nashon.


The Collegians were perhaps the greatest Goan women's hockey teams ever.  Nifa and Trifa D'Souza, Alvira D'Sa, Bertha Fernandes, Peter Barbosa (Babs), Theresa Mendonca (help with the missing names!!!)

1952; The Nairobi Goan Institute defeated Railway Goan Institute in the final of the M R D’Souza Gold Cup. Standing from L to R: Simon Pinto, Cajie Fernandes, Paul Fernandes, Remy Noronha (one of my favourite people) Rui Rodrigues, Ernest Monteiro, Santos D’Souza. Seated: Francis Lobo, Elizabeth Zuzarte, Christie D’Souza, J.S.T. Ferrao, Michael Fernandes. On the ground Reggie and Renato Monteiro. Phots M A Rosa.

Nairobi Heroes: Martin D'souza, (?) Francis Fernandes, (?) Anthony D'Silva, Robert Santiago (?), Muren D'souza, Alex Fernandes, Oscar D'Melo, Tony Pinto Jack Carvalho.

Nairobi Heroes before taking off for Mozambique!
Alu Mendonca, Raggie Monteiro, Anthony Vaz, Hilary Fernandes, in the centre back row a very young Avtar Singh.

International Harvester was one of the top teams in Nairobi: Alex Fernandes, Sabino (who played only with a pair of anklets) Harold Officer, Guy Laval Saude George.
Nairobi Heroes perhaps the best Goan soccer team in Kenya!

Seraphino Antao: Commonwealth Games double gold medalist, another late great.

Seraphino with his coach the wonderful Ray Batchelor.


Sydney Goans: Albert Mascarenhas, Alfred Vaz, Joe Gomes, Willie Fernandez, Richard Tannen,
Tessa Antao, Mrs. George (Tessa’s Mum)..Rufi Fernandes, Cathy Moran, Glafy Goes and Paul Francis


Mombasa Goan Institute Hockey champions

RGI ladies hockey: From left to right Elsie Fernandes, Teresa Mendonca, Olga D’mello, Margaret Braganza, Fabiola Machado, Rufina Fernandes, Melania Delima, Netty Carvalho, Mina Noronha, Nora Braganza, Sircula Noronha, (Goalie) A. Almeida.

1953: Dar es Salam Goan Institute defeated the mighty Sikh Union 2-1.

Goal scorers: Peter Rodrigues, Mathew Andrade (penalty). Surjeet Singh for S U.

Peter Coelho (captain), F X D’Souza, Alban Fernandes, Fenelon Almeida, Peter D’Sa, Visitation D’Souza, Peter Rodrigues, Paxy Colaco, John D’Souza, Mathew Andrades and Timothy Fernandes.

Kampala GI 1968 runners-up!

Standing left to right: Denis Pereira, Angelo Da Silva, Robbie Pereira, Lionel Noronha, Donald Fernandes, Joe Da Silva, Leslie D’Souza. Sitting: Aloysius Mathias, Anthony Mathias, Willie Lobo, Roland Collaco ( captain), Joe Lobo, Polly Pereira, Felix De Mello (manager)

Squatting: Francis Da Silva, Donat DeSouza

(Thanks to John Noronha)

1957 Goan Institute Kampala played the Sikh Union in the final in a goalless draw after two extra time sessions. KGI won the replay 2-0 (Rennie Rodrigues, Polly Pereira in extra time.)

KGI: Felix Britto, Jose Pereira, Polly Pereira, Charlie De Souza, Chris Pereira, Rennie Rodrigues. Victor Pereira, Willie Lobo, Rolland Collaco, Joe Lobo, Aloysius Mathias (captain).


The late Eddi Rodrigues: musician, sportsman, and one of the great guys!

GOA SPORTS COMMITTEE: Saude George, Sebestian Gomes, Egbert Fernandes
Renato Monteiro, Hilary Fernandes, Marcelin and Alu Mendonca (?)

Standing: Ellen Ahluwalia, Nifa D’Sousa, Alvira D’Sa, Edna Monteiro, Flora George

Sitting: Bertha Fernandes, Babs, Mavis Pinto

On the Floor: Trifa D’Sousa, Alba Mondonca, Christian Pereira 

Many thanks to John Noronha, Hilary Fernandes, Sikhs in Hockey and anyone else who has been kind enough to lend me a hand.

Kipchoge Keino track record
1964 Tokyo
5000m 5th
1500 m 10th
1968 Mexico City
10,000m Did not finish
5000m silver
1500 m gold

1972 Munich Gold 3000 m steeple
1968 Mexico Gold City 1500 m
1972 Munich Silver 1500 m
1968 Mexico City Bronze5000 m
Commonwealth Games
1970 Edinburgh Gold 1500 m
1966 Kingston Gold Mile
1966 Kingston Gold 3 mile
1970 Edinburgh Bronze 5000 m
All-Africa Games
1965 Brazzaville Gold 5000 m
1965 Brazzaville Gold 1500 m

TIMELINES - Goans in Africa


Timeline - Kenya

Year    Place   Event

1593    Mombasa         Portuguese build Fort Jesus

1698    Mombasa         Omani Arabs seize Fort Jesus and end Portuguese rule

1865    Zanzibar        C.R. de Souza opens store on island

1884    Zanzibar        M.R. de Souza starts a business

1889    Mombasa Souza opens branch of his store

1900    Nairobi         Creation of township of Nairobi

1901    Mombasa         Goan Reading Room opened in house of D.L. Pereira

1904    Nairobi         Portuguese Cricket Club formed by 29 employees of the

Uganda Railway

1905    Nairobi         Portuguese Cricket Club closed by Uganda Railway

authorities due to disputes between railway and non-railway employees

1905    Nairobi         Non-Railway Goan members of the former Portuguese

Cricket Club re-group and form the Goan Institute

1905    Mombasa         St. Francis Xavier Goan Tailors Society formed

1906    Mombasa         C.R. de Souza opens Mombasa branch

1908 Kilindini Bar, Mombasa's oldest opened by A.C. De Souza & CO..

1909    Nairobi         M.R. de Souza opens branches in Nairobi and Nakuru

1909    Nairobi         Railway Goan employees re-organize to form the Railway  Goan Institute

1911    Mombasa         Goan Reading Room name changed to the Goan Institute

1915    Mombasa         Dr. A.C.L. de Sousa arrives in E. Africa and is

appointed a Government Medical Officer

1916    Nairobi         St. Francis Xavier Goan Tailors Society formed

1919    Nairobi         Dr. A.C.L. de Sousa moves to Nairobi and enters private practice with his wife, Mary, also a doctor

1927    Mombasa         Goan Institute opens new building on Salim Road

1927    Nairobi         Goan Overseas Association formed by Dr. A.C.L. D'Souza on 9th. July

1928    Nairobi         Dr. Ribeiro Goan School opens in April with 38 children in premises loaned by Dr. Ribeiro

1931    Nairobi         New Dr. Ribeiro Goan School Building opens on 19th July

1934    Nairobi         Dr. A.C.L. de Sousa serves as a member of the Kenyav Legislative Council for four years

1936    Nairobi         Goan Gymkhana formed by breakaway group of Goan Institute members

1943    Nairobi         Goan Gymkhana opens stone building clubhouse

1946    Mombasa     Eighty delegates from all parts of East Africa assemble for the East African Goan Conference with Dr. A.C.L. D'Souza as Chairman

1955    Nairobi         Goan Institute moves from downtown to new premises in Pangani suburb

1956    Nairobi         Goan Overseas Association opens new Secondary School building on May 24

1958    Nairobi         Dr. A.C.L. de Sousa dies on July 17th, at age 75

1959    Mombasa     Tailors Society open 3-storey club and rest house

1963    Kenya   becomes independent

1967    Nairobi         Closing of Railway Goan Institute

1962    Uganda becomes independent

1961    Tanzania        Tanganyika becomes independent

1963    Tanzania Zanzibar becomes independent, and joins Tanganyika to form Tanzania

 Courtesy of Goanet

Two videos of Kip Keino

From John Noronha:
Was delighted to get together today for lunch with former cricketers from uganda - internationals , club cricketers and school team members
Left to Right — Mahendra Paw, Moshin Keshavji, Jaspal ( visiting from England), Onali Rahemtulla, Mohammed Najfi, Shiraz Bardai, Lutaf Virani, Girish Patel, Anwer Omar ( from Ottawa), Charlie DeSouza, John Noronha
Lots of stories, yarns and excitement from a time long gone but never forgotten
May be an image of 8 people
All reactions:
John Noronha, Braz Matatabooks and 20 others


  1. Amazingly well preserved photos. Thank you.

  2. East African Goan History in a nutshell.


RIEP Carlito Mascarenhas

    CARLOS (CARLITO) MASCARENHAS   MAY 24, 1937 - JULY 16, 2024 Carlito pictured between the two Sikhs at the top It is with a sad heart and...