Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunsets I dream of often

Sunsets I dream about

EVEN AS A child I remember that I was always thrilled to watch the sun rise, even if it was 6 in the morning and no child should be up an about at that time. After awhile it became almost a religion: celebrate the morning sun, an early bath, down the mug of coffee in a few gulps, grab the sugar laden chappatis and head off for mass and school. I loved watching the sun's glow as it slowly made it daily journey to what I was the centre of the earth. I marvelled how the early morning sun chased away the night's cold and began to warm its domain, slowly but surely until midday when it sometimes became unbearably hot. When I was much older, I twinged at the dawn-to-dusk of the Northern Frontier District. The heat was incessant and I never really understood how the various tribes of the NFD, especially the Somalis and Boranas and the other pure bread Kenyan tribes survived the heat. The respite came with the cool of night in the late hours of the slow ending night. Sunlight and Moonlight bathed different parts of Kenya in their own special whims. Watching the sun rise over the Rift Valley, Masai Mara, Amboseli, Kiambu, Nyeti, Nanyuki, Kisumu, and a myriad other places in Kenya was an education in itself, a first time experience that became a lasting memory. Njoy.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures. The sun is surely the giver of heat light and life. It’s warmth embraces whatever it touches and although it can be harsh in some areas, it’s presence cannot be hidden not even from the blind.


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