Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Pinto: Blood on Western and Kenyan hands




Pinto: Blood on Western and Kenyan hands


Review by Cyprian Fernandes



Pio Gama Pinto, Kenya’s Unsung Martyr 1927-1965

Edited by Shiraz Durrani

[Vita Books, Kenya, 2018, 392 pp.  Pbk, £30, ISBN 978-9966-1890-0-4; distributed worldwide by African Books Collective, www.africanbookscollective.com]


Less than two years after independence from the British, on 24 February 1965, the Kenyan nationalist Pio Gama Pinto was gunned down in the driveway of his Nairobi home.  His young daughter watched helplessly in the back seat of the family car.  Pinto, a Member of Parliament at the time, was Kenya’s first political martyr.  One man was wrongly accused of his death, served several years in prison and was later released and compensated.  Since then no one has been charged with the murder.  

Now the long-awaited book on Pio Gama Pinto is finally here, launched in Nairobi on 16 October 2018.  Edited by ultra-librarian Shiraz Durrani, this tome brings together every known scrap of written or anecdotal evidence about the man, his life, and his assassination.  It is simply just a word or two short of being colossal.  Perhaps one flaw is that there is too much repetition.

Yet I found myself thinking about a gigantic banquet.  Your tour guide is the book’s editor and he takes you on an almost never-ending safari to the events, the people, milestones, and most of all the history … with Pinto in the starring role.  Sometimes the book is taxing to read, at other times it races along.  At all times Pinto is never too far from the reader’s gaze (if only in the mind).  

The entrée to the banquet is about one of the key figures of the Kenyan struggle for freedom: Senior Chief Koinange.  Appointed by the colonial government, he surprised them by choosing to fight for freedom.  He was also a man that Pinto looked up to.

The other two big influences in Pio’s life were India and Goa.  He spent five years in the latter, agitating against the Portuguese colonialists.  His association with India was far longer because India chose to support the Kenyans’ fight for freedom and played an important role throughout the emancipation period.

But Goa was never too far from Pinto’s mind, as in talks on his early days there, recalled by Kenyan lawyer and former MP Fitz De Souza:


“One day during our discussions, Pio suggested that we should do something in East Africa to assist the liberation of Goa.  I was a little surprised and told him that while I was very sympathetic to the liberation of Goa, and indeed the rest of the world, I thought as we were East Africans we should confine our activities to East Africa.  We might dissipate our slender resources and there was also the risk of being misunderstood, even by our friends.  He explained that as a student and a young man in India he had taken part in the struggle for the liberation of Goa.  He had actively assisted in the formation of the Goa National Congress and escaped from Goa only when police were searching for him with a warrant to arrest and deport him to an island of West Africa.  It was our duty, he suggested, as socialists to assist all liberation fronts.  Even if we did not consider ourselves Goans we had names such as De Souza, Pinto, etc.  Portuguese colonialism was as bad as any other.”


The main course, naturally, is Pio Gama Pinto.  Discussing whether he was in Mau Mau, Durrani notes that Pinto was arrested and detained in April 1954, the grounds including that:

·        he had knowledge of illegal arms traffic;

·        he had assisted Mau Mau in drafting documents and arranged for the printing of membership cards of the ‘African Liberation Army’; and

·        he had given assistance to the non-militant wing of the Mau Mau in planning its subversive campaign.

There is no actual evidence of Pinto having taken the oath of loyalty to the cause of the Mau Mau, but Durrani argues that there is consummate anecdotal evidence that he worked with the Mau Mau Central Committee and therefore was an intrinsic part of the organisation.


“Pio Pinto was largely responsible for having prevented the wrath of the Mau Mau from being vented on the Indian community.  Had he not been able to enter the secret conclaves of the freedom fighters unnoticed, and had he not won the trust of leaders such as Stanley Mathenge, Jomo Kenyatta, Senior Chief Koinange and Tom Mboya for his sound and clear advice, thousands of Indians may well have been murdered and their property looted.”


Quoting the claim of one former activist that he and Pinto were in the same Mau Mau cell, Durrani says that the facts do indicate that Pinto was an active supporter of the movement.  He could not have been involved in the formation of the Mau Mau War Council in Nairobi nor in the procurement of arms had he not been part of the central leadership of Mau Mau.  His involvement ranged from supplying weapons and other necessities to the fighters, to providing medical and other care to fighters and their families, to organising legal aid to those condemned by the colonial system to jail terms, to researching and writing documents, letters for the struggle, as well as gathering international support for the liberation struggle.  Pinto in particular established contacts with the illegal South Asian gun-traders who secretly sold firearms and ammunition to the Mau Mau military wing, the Kenya Freedom Land Army.


“Pio’s work under the Central Committee of Mau Mau was especially important during the Emergency.  The Committee needed money, food and arms for the fighters. Most of the leaders were in prison ….  Despite these difficult conditions, money was collected from supporters ….  These were carefully collected in sacks and taken to certain trusted persons.  Pio was one of these.  He would then take the money to wherever he was directed by the Central Committee.

“Pio’s work in support of the freedom fighters grew as the struggle became more intense. The Emergency meant that for many Kenyans, there was military rule in the country ….  Pio now had to help the freedom fighters in the forests of Mount Kenya and the Aberdares.”


“Pinto became an important person in the struggle not only because of his clear ideological grasp of the situation and his total commitment to the liberation struggle but also because he linked different aspects of the struggle and ensured that all worked together to strengthen the overall anti-imperialist struggle.”


Durrani does not solve the mystery of Pio’s assassination, but through the words of the various players he takes the reader on a guided tour of the assassination and underlines what we have known for a long time: that it was a conspiracy of the British Government, especially the last Governor of Kenya, Malcolm MacDonald, and Jomo Kenyatta and his Kenya African National Union (KANU) moderates in power.  We will never know exactly who ordered the assassination or who pulled the trigger.  That is the other tragedy that will claw at the heart of anyone who can remember the assassinations in Kenya, because without closure, no-one can rest in peace either or earth or in the afterlife.  Perhaps, there are one or two people who could offer Kenya the sacrament of closure or will they too take it to their graves?  Just as Njoroge Mungai,[1] James Gichuru,[2] Mbiyu Koinange[3] and others may have done?


“…the engineers of the neo-colonial Kenya feared him even more than the colonial authorities did and they had him assassinated.”


There are many voices in this book but few are the so-called KANU moderates, except the late Joseph Murumbi[4] and the former Deputy Speaker of the House, Fitz De Souza.  But then, they were Pinto’s personal friends.

Pinto was driven by a single ideal: Kenya’s Uhuru must not be transformed into freedom to exploit, or freedom to be hungry and live in ignorance.  Uhuru must be Uhuru for the masses – Uhuru from exploitation, from ignorance, disease and poverty.  The sacrifices of the hundreds of thousands of Kenya’s freedom fighters must be honoured by the effective implementation of KANU’s policy – a democratic, African, socialist state in which the people have the rights, in the words of the KANU manifesto: “to be free from economic exploitation and social inequality”.

So there we have it: moderates on one side and Oginga Odinga and his socialist supporters on the other.  Pio chose the socialists and in doing that probably signed his death warrant because the moderates feared his organisational and strategic skills would lead to revolutionary changes in Kenya unless he was stopped.

Malcolm MacDonald wrote:


“I thought if the moderates … came to power in independent Kenya they would not only be moderate in their national policies, in economic and social and political affairs, but on the side of moderation in international affairs, and for example not go communist and not come under the influence of any other communist anti-British, anti-Western power.”


The imperialist manipulation of Kenya’s politics provided the momentum that ultimately led to the assassination of Pio Gama Pinto, according to the book.  It was in the corridors of Parliament where Pinto’s fate was sealed:  


“It was around Sessional Paper No 10 of 1965, African Socialism and its implications for Planning in Kenya, that the polarisation between Pio and KANU erupted, exacerbated by revelations of misappropriation of funds by the Kenyatta regime.

“The paper, written by an American, Edgar O Edwards, despite its claims of socialism, was a perfect articulation of how subservient capitalism would be developed in the post-independence period.  It was in opposition to this text that Pio wrote a counter-proposal which, had he not been assassinated, could very well have led, some believe, to the removal of Kenyatta as president through a vote of confidence and the emergence of Odinga as the new president.”


Fitz De Souza said:


“He had a falling out with the Powers that Be and he got into a shouting match with Kenyatta over what was perceived as land-grabbing by those in power.  He refused to participate in such things as he was all for equality.”


There was also the issue about missing money which was given to Government.  Pheroze Nowrojee[5] said:


“This money was not distributed to these ex-freedom fighters and ex-detainees for whom it was intended.  Instead a few powerful persons pocketed it.  Pio vehemently opposed this.  He spoke out against this betrayal of the freedom struggle.  He said he would raise the matter in Parliament to ensure the sums be paid over to the ex-freedom fighters and ex-detainees.  The powerful persons saw such an exposure as a threat to their wealth and their positions.  They decided to get rid of Pio.”


The money in question was “grants and loans for development, land settlement, compensation for overseas officers and administration (£12,400,000) from Britain.”

In the final analysis, according to Durrani,


“The imperialist manipulation of Kenya’s politics provided the momentum that ultimately led to the assassination of Pio Gama Pinto.  Thus, the responsibility for this death lies not only with the Government of Kenya but also with the British Government whose policy and actions supported the Western-oriented Government.  It is doubtful if the moderates would ever have come to power without the Western support.  While Britain was actively engaged in the internal politics of Kenya before and after independence, as shown in the MacDonald Papers, the US government and CIA supported moderate leaders like Tom Mboya, who were used to create a pro-Western trade union movement to replace the militant one set up and supported by Makhan Singh,[6] Fred Kubai, Bildad Kaggia, Pio Gama Pinto and others.

The assassination was part of the overall imperialist plot to ensure Kenya remained in the capitalist camp managed by the key imperialist powers USA and Britain.”


As I said, this is a huge banquet of Kenya’s emergent history.  I hope every man, woman and child gets to read this some time in their lives.  There are some important lessons to ponder, celebrating some of the men and women who lived and died in the cause of freedom and looking anew at life as we know it.

There is an interview with Pio’s widow Emma Gama Pinto by Frederick Noronha, and another by Benegal Pereira.  Pio’s late brother Rosario’s memoir is also featured, as are the memories of Angelo Faria.  There are also several contributions by other members of the family.

Naturally, this book is a monument to Pio Gama Pinto and his socialist ideals for a Kenya without capitalism.  Shiraz Durrani, the book editor, makes no apology for that.


n Cyprian Fernandes is a former Chief Reporter of The Nation in Kenya, and knew Pio Gama Pinto and most of the people mentioned in the book.  He had to flee Kenya and now lives in Sydney, Australia.  A shorter version of this review was previously published in the Goa Herald on 20 October 2018.



Mrs Emma Gama Pinto on Pio

(Excerpts from the book)


Pio’s detention on Manda Island:

Pio told later that he built a small shelter against the scorching sun and a simple bed.  The land was destitute of vegetation and there were no facilities when he got there.  A daily ration of food was barely enough to suffice for one meal.  He went on a hunger strike, but after nine days realised that it would hurt the prisoners, nothing more.  They would die like dogs for the all the authorities cared.  The prisoners were sullen and dejected.  Pio met some of his old friends there … Achieng Oneko and others and they set about improving the morale of the 9000 men on the island prison.  They organised games and tried to catch fish, turtles and the like to supplement their impoverished diet.  After pleading with the authorities, I was allowed to write to my husband once a month but the letter would be censored.  His reply would be censored.  I received permission to send Pio literature.  He asked for the works of Shakespeare and (George Bernard) Shaw.  Later Pio said the books kept him from committing suicide.  Everything he had, he shared with his friends, even my letters.


Our home:

We had little finances.  Pio sadly confessed that the money given by my father had been used as part-payment for a printing press which he wanted to operate as the voice of the people.  The press was lost as soon as Pio was arrested.  On his release from restriction in 1960, Pio asked Oginga Odinga (head of the Kenya People’s Union and arch-opponent of Jomo Kenyatta) to help him buy a house.  It was more like a hotel – we had people coming and going and dropping in for a meal at all hours.  Pio would have political refugees from Angola and South Africa spend a night or two and listen to their accounts of their situation.

      No African who came to the house was turned away – if they needed school fees for their children, advice or just a letter written to a relative or government official, Pio lent a hand.  They were his brothers, and I mean brothers.  He knew the weaknesses of some of them but felt they would see reason enough if temporarily they did not put their country first.  From the start of his interest in Kenya politics, Pio understood clearly that the African cause must be carried by Africans.  He identified with the Africans completely and secretly suffered anguish that he was not born an African.  He preferred to work behind the scenes, but he did not work in isolation.  He consulted with lawyers, economists and politicians before planning his work.  He chose his non-African friends carefully for what they could contribute to the cause.

Despite the fact that Pio vehemently worked against those opposed to the African freedom movement, he did not harbour rancour against any individual.  I never once heard him raise his voice in anger or swear at anyone, he called them blind or stupid in their policies.  He was once given a pistol for protection … he promptly buried it in the garden.  Later when he heard that one of his friends was in danger, he dug the weapon up and gave it to his friend for protection.


On the Goans in Kenya:

Pio and I had attended a few social functions after his release from detention and even though several men came forward to hear about his “detention” there was little evidence of their sympathy for the detainees.

      When the Portuguese anthem was played at the end of an occasion, Pio could guess where their allegiance lay.  He had painted a sketch of Kenya’s road in the struggle for freedom and left it to them to pursue a course.  Mr J. M Nazareth QC and a few others were already on the road.

      Later we did not attend Goan functions, so I was not aware of the view they had of Pio. Even after Pio’s assassination I did not feel that I belonged to the Goan community.  I do not fault the community – it is just that we had other interests and concerns.  I was happy with an Asian who understood and helped Pio’s work.



Pio and a small group of Kenya politicians including Tom Mboya and Joe Murumbi flew to India around 1961 and met with Pandit Nehru.  The agenda included the liberation of Goa as well as funds for a printing press in Kenya (to provide the African political viewpoint).  Funds were granted, and Pio went on to set up the Pan African Press.  Subsequently, Pio and Fitz De Souza attended Goa’s liberation celebrations.  There are some Goans who applaud Pio’s small contribution for Goa.



Notes and References

[1] Njoroge Mungai (1926-2014) was a Kenyan Cabinet Minister, Member of Parliament, doctor, businessman, farmer, politician, nationalist and one of the founding fathers of the Republic of Kenya.

[2] James Gichuru (1914-1982) was a Kenyan politician, government minister and close associate of Jomo Kenyatta.

[3] Mbiyu Koinange (1907-1981) was a Kenyan politician who served in Kenyatta’s cabinet for 16 years.

[4] Joseph Murumbi (1911-1990) was Kenyan Foreign Minister from 1964 to 1966, and second Vice-President between May and December 1966.

[5] Pherozee Nowrojee is a Kenyan writer, human rights and constitutional lawyer, and poet.

[6] See S Durrani, Reflections on the Revolutionary Legacy of Makhan Singh in Kenya, in CR73, Autumn 2014, pp 10-17.

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